Leon Katz

Obesity Medicine Physician
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 10 ratings

Leon Katz Obesity Medicine Physician Medical Weight Loss Spec., MD, Dipl. ABOM, FACS

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10 Reviews for Leon Katz
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Dr. Katz is a wonderful surgeon. I am so glad that I met him during my pre cert and registration for weight loss surgery Dr. Katz helped me throughout the entire process from day 1 until my surgery date in June 2014. I am so pleased with the amount of weight I have lost so far and I would recommend Dr. Leon Katz to ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS. I AM THANKFUL AND SO GLAD THAT HE HAS HELPED ME WITH MY NEW LIFE.


Dr. Leon Katz is my bariatric surgeon and I recommend him without reservation to anyone considering bariatric surgery. Dr. Katz is thorough (meticulous) in his practice. He explains everything in detail, does not minimize the difficulties, and inspires confidence and hope.

A few days post op I had a question about a symptom, I called the office, I was put through right to Dr. Katz who clarified my concerns and told me what to do and watch for.

The team of nurses and nutritionist(Pat, Maureen...) who handle pre op and post op details are competent and caring, keeping me and other patients on track, helping with anxiety and frustration as well as encouraging us. They are realistic and pragmatic while offering support and confidence.

Staff stress the importance of aftercare for the whole patient- physical and emotional.

Dr. Katz's practice has deep experience, skill, caring, and availability. I would like to balance this with some comment about what could be improved, but I was and am very happy with the excellent care I receive from them...and I can't think of a way to improve it!


Dr. Katz is an amazing, talented surgeon. He was great the whole time I was in the hospital and put me at ease during my stay.


Dr. Katz is a wonderful surgeon. He has put together a terriffic support system within his practice. The ladies in his office are dedicated and very helpful throughout the entire process from beginning to end, and beyond. I would recommend Dr. Leon Katz to anyone. He is very meticulous about the pre-op screening and testing. Oftentimes, because of the process, many patients have been able to realize serious health problems that other doctors were not able to pick up on. These greatful patients were able to get the help that they needed before something serious happened. This is the true mark of a caring and careful professional.


Dr. Katz is no longer in NY, he now practices in Crozer Chester Hospital. I have only met him via the Bariatric Seminar, but I am very impressed thus far. His right hand Pat is very nice, I have spoken with her twice now and both time she has been very patient and understanding to my situation.


I really fealt comfortable when I first met him. rnHis office staff is very helpful very informative. His nurses really care. rnI think he requires a lot before surgery and that has me at ease before surgery.


I liked him right off, although I think he lets his assistant do most of the talking, which is fine. rnrnI researched him and he seems to have a good reputation.


Dr. Katz is now working for Crozer-Chester Medical Center in Upland, PA. He is such a wonderful doctor. From the first time I met him, he was very gracious and patient, he really didn't mind taking the time to answer ALL of my questions and to help put my mind at ease. He allowed me to choose the surgery that I thought would be best for me without swaying me one way or the other. He shared with me the risks of both surgeries, but in the end I choose what I felt was best. for Recently, I went in for my first fill and was very nervous because I didn't know what to expect, but he talked me through every step of the process and set me at ease. I would refer Dr. Katz to any person in my area considering WLS. The ladies that work in the office are very pleasant and very easy to talk to. They were right on top of everything and I haven't had any bad experiences with them.


I met Dr. Cha for a consultation on Thurs May 5. My first impression was that he was young ( or is it that I am getting older ?) LOL.....He introduced himself and asked me a few questions . He let me know that if I had any questions just to ask. He explained the different surgeries he did and drew diagrams to show me. I felt very comfortable with him. I did not have any questions for him before I rnleft.rnDr. Cha has left PA and has gone to OH to be with his family. I wish him the very best to he and his family. The surgeon replacing him is rnLeon Katz. I met him at my one year surgiversary . He is very nice and doesn't make me feel like he was rushing me out the door. Nice to meet you Dr. Katz. Hope you like PA !rnDr. Katz did my hernia surgery. 2/5/07 rnDr. Rebecca Witham did my panni removal at the same time.


When I first met Dr. Katz, it was in a support meeting. I like they way he answered questions. At the meeting he and his nurse Pat presented a slide show. This was very informative. Then I had the pleasure to talk to him and Pat at my consultation. He does request more clearance test then the other surgeons. However, i found that to be comforting.

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