Kennewick General Hospital

Crowded, dirty, noisy, the nurses were smelly and unkept. One nurse had such bad breath I thought I would die. When you have just had surgery you feel kind of queesy anyway. He smelled like he just ate a bowl of fried onions. Ugh. The staff did not believe me when I told them my pain pump was not working. Finally, someone looked at it and sure enough it wasn't working. I was in excrutiating pain for what seemed like forever until they got that under control. My sister heard the staff make a comment about my size and weight when they were lifting me from the gurney onto the bed after my surgery. I was so out of it, I didn't hear it but she did and it upset her very much. The next day they brought a tiny little wheelchair to take me to get a cat scan. I couldn't get my butt in it and they had to search all over for a larger wheelchair. How humiliating. Thank God I am now 110 pounds lighter and don't have to deal with that kind of discrimination. I hope never to have the misfortune to wind up in Kennewick General Hospital again.

I would go there for any surgery. The preop preparation nurses were fantastic. The anesthesiologists were wonderful. The nursing staff was very concerned and caring (and spunky!). I had a private room (they had a lot of them) and they didn't balk when my friend and girlfriend wanted to stay with me late into the night. Excellent, Excellent experience!

I had very good experiences in the ICU, but when put in a semi-private room, I felt like all staff disappeared. My husband couldn't find nurses for ice chips or even an extra pillow when I was coughing. Otherwise, all seemed to go well for the stay. Billing looks like it will be an issue. They did not do as asked with the billing. I had gall-bladder removal and needed split billing for the part that I wasn't paying cash for, but it slipped thru and was sent in full to insurance. I am awaiting my denial now, as my insurance doesn't pay for WLS. Also, I was in ICU out of convenience for lack of open rooms in the hospital, and had to ask them to adjust the charges for that. They did.