Leah McDaniel Dietitian / Nutritionist R.D, L.D, C.D.E
First, I'd like to say I've been a client of Leah McDaniel for years. She has provided well designed meal plans, asked appropriate questions about lifestyle, exercise habits and yes eating habits as expected. The periodic visits force accountability. I'd been somewhat successful off and on but tended to get blocked at about the same weight of a particular amount. I'm sure this frustrated her greatly. She has always been patient and offered encouragement. But, we as her clients sometimes have to step back and reflect on how we are following her guidelines. I recently did such a self examination and shared that with Leah this week.
During the week of February 15th this winter an exercise tracker caught my eye. After thoughtful consideration I purchased the device which came with a software bundle for tracking calories burned, minute by minute throughout the day. This information is uploaded to the software. Next, for each meal you enter each food ingested. Sometimes the food in the software database, you can enter the nutritional profile for each nutrient. The software then shows the ratio of the meal profile in Carbs, Proteins and Fats along with essential minerals and things such as fiber. As the day progresses it displays calorie intake against calorie burn, showing the calorie deficit. And that was the key.
You have to be willing to be total honest with food measurement and accurately weigh or measure the input for each meal. At the end of the day you see whether you have a calorie surplus (bad) or a calorie deficit (GOOD) and that's where the process can begin.
For me there were several factors that made it all work; follow Leah's guidelines, accurately record each food item by quantity and have the device that accurately lets you know the calorie burn.
Leah can help you work through the numbers. I don't think I could recommend a better person.
Note: Reason for the Lower rating on bariatric surgery- It hasn't been a consideration. I figured I'd been missing something and it finally clicked.