Dr. John Bock

Dietitian / Nutritionist
Rating: 4.75 out of 5 with 4 ratings

Dr. John Bock Dietitian / Nutritionist DCN, RD, CNSD

Dr. John Bock Dietitian / Nutritionist Picture
4 Reviews for Dr. John Bock
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John is one of the reasons I had the surgery. He made everything make sense for my life and cultural needs. He helped me address my crazy work and travel schedule. I have recommended several people who aren't surgery candidates to him for sound nutrition advice. He responds to all email and phone calls immediately. He is a great resource and support. I'm glad I made him part of my team.

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John knows the bariatric patient....almost better than your surgeon. He talks down to earth and real to you...deals with your situation and not what a text book says. I appreciate his knowledge, kindness, and attention.

1 person found this helpful

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John explains eveything, the hows and whys, and results of compliance and non-compliance. He truly cares about his patients and their success.

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How experienced did this person seem with helping obese individuals?
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I really liked John Bock. He put up with my nerves and also my need to know more NOW without making me feel self conscious.
Edited to Add: I see John Bock for all my follow ups and I continue to be impressed by him.

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