Jorge Huaco-Cateriano Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS
4 yr Experience
4 yr in Bariatrics
4 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 67


4 yr Experience
4 yr in Bariatrics
4 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 67

About MeDr. Jorge Huaco-Cateriano, Bariatric Surgeon Jorge Huaco-Cateriano, MD, FACS is a board-certified general surgeon, specializing in bariatric surgery on the Southcoast Health Weight Loss Center team located in Wareham and Fall River, Massachusetts. He earned his medical degree from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín in Arequipa, Peru and completed his residency in pediatric surgery at Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal - Instituto de Salud del Niño, Lima, Perú. Dr. Huaco completed his fellowship in pediatric surgery at the University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Hospital and residencies in general surgery at the Swedish Medical Center-First Hill in Seattle and the University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Hospital. While at the University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Hospital, Dr. Huaco was named “Intern of the Year” for 2007-2008. With a passion for medicine, Dr. Huaco-Cateriano also completed a fellowship in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Florida. In addition to that, while working as a researcher at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Dr. Huaco earned a Master's degree in Epidemiology from the University of Washington. Bariatric Surgery with Dr. Jorge Huaco-Cateriano With all of the experience and training that I have, I feel that I have a lot to offer to you as my patient. Every time that I see a patient that comes into my office three months or six months after surgery, and they feel great, they are a different person and they look great-they tell me how active they have gotten and how their lives have changed, it makes me feel that I am really doing the right thing. I like to know my patients really well so I take a lot of time to know where they really come from, what they are doing, what are their expectations and then approach them individually. It’s not just a patient and not just a number. It’s a person that is like you so you treat them like you. -Dr. Huaco-Cateriano Utilizing the latest state-of-the-art technology and techniques in minimally invasive weight loss procedures, Dr. Huaco-Cateriano is committed to excellence in patient care. Known by his patients for his personalized care and compassion, Dr. Huaco-Cateriano offers the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), the Roux-en-Y (RNY) Gastric Bypass, and bariatric revision options Weight Loss Surgery in Massachusetts with Dr. Huaco If you’re interested in weight loss surgery with Dr. Huaco-Cateriano and the Southcoast Health Weight Loss Center team, we invite you to attend a free educational seminar. Educational seminars are required and an important first step in exploring your options. At the seminar, you will learn about our program, bariatric surgery options, risks & benefits of surgery, and eligibility requirements. Each month, we hold the seminars at four convenient locations across Massachusetts: Cape Codder Resort in Hyannis, Tobey Hospital in Wareham, Charlton Memorial Hospital in Fall River, and St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford. To ask us a question or register for a free bariatric surgery seminar call us. You can also request more information here! For information on insurance, Southcoast accepts most major insurance plans. Call the Southcoast Patient Registration Department or your own health plan with any questions regarding coverage.
Latest Reviews See 1 review
A caring and compassionate Doctor I recently met on a emergency room visit. I was so ill that I required. I was very pleased with his care that he provided. Southcoast in Wareham - Toby Hosptial
LocationWareham, MA 02571
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