Vadim Sherman

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 9 ratings

Vadim Sherman Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

5 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 13

Max Age of Patient is 75

9 Reviews for Vadim Sherman
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From the first consult I liked Dr. Sherman, he is a kind and knowledgeable man. He knows the different WLS procedures and will discuss each while determining which is best for the patient at hand. I elected to have a sleeve and he agreed it would work for me.

I have not one bad thing to say about him, his skills or the procedure. Everything went as it was described to me. Now it's up to me to work this tool on my end!

His staff knows this business and works like a well oiled machine. If you have the insurance coverage for the procedure, then sit back and let them guide you through the process. I had zero stress during the process, just providing them with information when they requested it. Before I knew it, my insurance mandated six month program, was over and it was time to submit my packet to the insurance company. Because they are so good at their jobs, my surgery was submitted, approved and scheduled in one weeks time. Clockwork!

I would suggest Dr. Sherman to anyone in Houston looking into WLS. Methodist (medical center) has informational sessions that are free to the public so sign up for one!

2 people found this helpful


Dr. Vadim Sherman and his staff were the perfect choice for me or anyone considering weight loss surgery. I think Dr. Sherman is so compassionate and professional and extremely talented. His staff are on top of their game and assisted me through every step of this process. I could not have asked for a better doctor. I was in safe hands and feel blessed to have been led to him and his wonderful team.


Dr. Sherman is a very nice man. He is polite and has a nice smile making you feel at ease the moment you meet him. I have only met with him a few times, but he always seems to really care about me. The staff in his office is like a well oiled machine. Each staff member has their specific roles and they work together like a well oiled machine. They are all very nice as well.rnrnI think that in the Houston area since there are many physicians that do WLS, you should do your homework and find a program and doctor that suite your needs. I personally like the preparation that Dr. Sherman's office puts you through and although I haven't experienced the aftercare yet, I do think I will appreciate it just as much.rnrnToday (8/11) I met with the nutritionist and the nurse practitioner to go over what is expected the 2 weeks before surgery and then what is expected after surgery. The class was very informative and lasted about 3.5 hours. I am really seeing this come to fruition and can't wait to start my new life post WLS.rnrnI highly recommend that if you are thinking about WLS, attend one of the informational seminars at Baylor College of Medicine to meet Dr. Sherman and his staff. Listen to what they have to say and if you feel this program is for you, GO FOR IT!


Dr. Vadim Sherman is very professional and kind. His office staff is very understanding and helpful. Patients should know that he stresses to you that you will have to make a life long commitment to this. You have to learn to eat slow and chew your food very good. He stresses this to you over and over. You attend a nutritional class before surgery to tell you what to expect from eating to taking your medications. He does tell you all the risks of surgery and being put to sleep. You will have to have test before the surgery such as an Upper GI, Chest X-Ray, Blood, etc. His surgery competence is great and he proforms about 10 a week. Be sure if you are on any medications to let him know. He will instruct you about them. I will have to cut or crush all my meds up tiny now before I can take them. This is one real draw back for me. You are put on a liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery also. This helps to get you use to liquids and helps reduce your liver size for surgery.


I really like Dr. Sherman. rnrnI liked him the first time I listened to him at the informational session. Then, when I met with him to discuss the surgery otpions, I really felt like he was sensitive to me and willing to go through my options and hear my concerns. rnrnThe wait can be a bit tedious since he is part of a teaching program (Baylor College of Medicine), usually there are several people that visit with you prior to actually seeing the doctor. I don't mind this too much, but you should be aware of this b/c it can lenthen your appointments.rnrnrn3/19/2008rnNow that I have had my surgery...which I have been so blessed to have had a very easy recovery...I am even more grateful to Dr. Sherman and his team. I think he is very thorough and knowledgeable. I appreciated the fellows/residents that came by to my hospital room to answer all of my questions. They were willing to answer anything I asked and that is very important to me. rnrnDr. Sherman is very kind and sensitive to his patients. I appreciate his gentle nature and I like him more each time I talk with him.


Sherman, Vadim (Houston, TX)

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Dr. Sherman and Staff are awesome! They are patient and take time to listen to your concerns. Before care is just as important as aftercare. Dr. Sherman and Staff view the entire process as a life time commitment.


My first impression of Dr Sherman was that he was young and nice looking. LOL It has changed in that he is also very compassionate and patient and he truly cares about his patients and their success.rnrnAftercare is strictly emphasized by Dr Sherman from day one. He gives you the tool but you must do exactly what he tells you to do after getting that tool. Such as exercise, eating right and drinking water and taking your vitamins. rnrnThe office staff is phenomenal. The nutritionist that I used was Sabrina. She was great! She would call back on the phone the same day or email back the same day. The rest of the staff is really great also. They are very excited for your new life and I look forward to my visits with them. rnrnOverall I would rate Dr Sherman and his office staff as exceptional. I would definitely recommend them to my family and friends and that is a big recommendation.rnrnDr Sherman has a great bedside manner but he is also a competent surgeon. I think that he does both well.


Baylor College of medicine offers a Comprehensive Bariatric Program and they hold free information sessions every month. This was where I first met Dr. Sherman. He spoke to the group about the 2 bariatric procedures they offer, the RNY and the Lapband. rnrn Together with Dr. Sweeney, Dr. Sherman exudes knowledge a vast knowledge about these procedures and answered every question that was thrown their way with ease and confidence. They gave the group pamhlets to take home, and encourage everybody to research and ask questions before committing to these procedures that is life-altering, as they sressed out.rnrn Thier comprehensive bariatric program is really well thought out. Monica, their coordinator really follows through with insurance and paperwork, that made me feel I had a guradian angel watching over me, and making sure that this happens for me. She hounded the insurance company for me, and kept me updated on everything that was going on. rnrn Sabrina, their nutritionist, and Rose, their nurse practitioner, were also very knowledgeable about the procedures and guided me really with the preop stuff I haad to deal with. Sabrina was open to receiveing questions via email and even responded to my call of plea during the 1st few days of my preop liquid diet at late in the afternoon, while she was at another state! Talk about dedication to their work.rnrn My actual meeting with Dr. Sherman was also full of information. He really delved deep into and stressed the importance of their aftercare program and discussed in detail what i wil lbe expecting at 1 week one through 5 yrs out. He also addressed the risks of surgery in detail.rnrn He met with me again the day of surgery, and just gave me the reassurance I needed to hear that everything iwill be all right and that he will take care of me. Post op, I expected fellows or residents to check in on me. No! Dr. sherman came by to visit, 2 times, even 3 times a day while I was at the hospital, reviewing my vitals, and labs, and always reassuring me that everythings moving on track. rnrn overall, Dr. Sherman is a great surgeon, knowledgeable in his craft, and caring, approachable, compassionate, and one who will really make you feel at ease while talking to him. He has a great bedside manner. These traits are important so a patient will not feel threatened to ask questions and voice concerns. The fact that he's cute does not hurt at all either ; )

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