Thomas Lavin

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 with 82 ratings

Thomas Lavin Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

5 yr in Bariatrics

3.5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

99% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Michael Thomas Profile Pic
Michael Thomas
Matthew French Profile Pic
Matthew French
Clark Warden Profile Pic
Clark Warden
Rachel Moore Profile Pic
Rachel Moore
James G. Redmann Profile Pic
James G. Redmann
Bariatric Surgeon

82 Reviews for Thomas Lavin
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Dr. Tom Lavin is a personal friend as well as a great laproscopic surgeon. I consider Tom to be an outstanding surgeon willing to skillfully perform this new Lap. RNY to help people like us who have tried everything to lose weight. Not many physicians want to take the extra "risk" of doing these procedures because it is so fairly new....being a major surgery on the inside and being done laproscopically makes it even more of a challenge. Working at the same hospital with Dr. Lavin is also another reason I am familiar with his skills as a surgeon. Dr. Lavin has put together a team of health care professionals and a state of the art program for the lap. RNY here at Lakeview Regional Medical Center in Covington, Louisiana and I am looking forward to my surgery and getting my life and health back! I am so grateful to have Tom as my friend and my doctor!


When I first meet Dr. Lavin I was very impressed that he really cared about me as a person and my health. He listened to what I had to say. He answered all my questions about the surgery. Dr. Lavin addressed my health problem with concern, and told me honestly about the risks involved with the surgery. He was very concerned that I had pulmonary emboli and DVT in the past. He reassured me that he would do everything possible to prevent this from happening if possible. He knew that the this and being afraid of not being able to be woken up after surgery were my biggest concerns. I cannot say enough about my after care. It has been the best. If I have had questions Drs Lavin, Steeb and Laura are only a phone call away. I have talked to one of them no less than twice a week, more in the beginning.

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