Teodor Grantcharov

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 5 ratings

Teodor Grantcharov Bariatric Surgeon

5 Reviews for Teodor Grantcharov
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I had my RNY February 2, 2015. Dr. Grantcharov was my surgeon. When it was my turn to go into the operating suite his team was there getting me all set up. They had me feeling comfortable and not embarassed at all. Halfway through the surgery, Dr. Grantcharov came out and updated my mother who was waiting in the waiting room. My hospital stay was amazing. He and his team made sure that my pain level was tolerable. The only complication that I had was passing gas. I ended staying one extra day to be on the cautious side. They had me up and walking and encourging me every step of the way. I have lost 29 lbs since my surgery (today is the 25th) I want to say thank you Dr. Grantcharov and your team for everything you have done for me.


Dr Grantcharov is very professional and friendly. He did the safest surgery for me and helped me to understand why I didn't get the roux en y and instead had the vertical sleeve. He is very personable and kind.


Excellent care. Dr. Grantcherov came and spoke with my Daughter and I before the Surgery. He has a great openess about him. He is very approachable and informative.

The OR Staff were also wonderful.

Once in my room, I must say that the Nursing Staff were all very nice and supportive. I never wanted or waited for anything. Everyone was really on the ball; and there were a couple of very difficult patients in my room.(They were not part of the Bariatric Program). There was also a very sweet Nursing Student named Jessie that was especially good.

The Resident in charge came to see me 4 times in the three days I was there.

I would give them all an A+ for my care.

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My first impression was wow this man really cares and his co surgents that were with him (Chris) where the best people I ever met. From the moment I came in to St Mikes Dr Grantcherovs team was put in place for me because I had a bad experience with the other hospital and surgent and was not welcome to go back into (toronto East General) Dr. Grantcherovs team where right there to help me. they did not really care about what the other hospital thought they wanted to make me feel better and get me better. It was found that from first surgury i had a bleeding ulcer over the insesion and i was lossing blood so fast that my himoglobin had droped and they had to give me 4 blood trandsfussions so scarry. This was the start Dr. Grantcherov came to me and told me stright up it was bad and needed to fet fixed assap but thet would need to wait for a operating room they found one and i ended up lossing a lot more stomach because of it. They just came in one day and were like were taken you today so i had no time to think they did all that for me...... My care after my surgury has been great any time there is even a little something wrong I can call and his staff well make time for me and answer all my questions even if he can only stop in for sall chat... Next small chat will be when they are going to take my Gall blatter out as I am now ulcer free Thanks to them I m on my way to good health if I could recomend any one it would be Dr. Grantcherov

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He was THE BEST. My first impression of him was wow!, he's tall! He is VERY nice and will answer any questions you may have. Everyone in his office was very nice and very helpful (his office was located in a hospital in Toronto).

His bedside manors were fantastic. The morning of my surgery when I was int he waiting room he came to see me and reassure my mom, my boyfriend and I that everything will be fine and not to worry. He is a teaching doctor so he did have a surgeon learning the RNY scrub in on the surgery but the student (whom is already a certified doctor/surgeon) also asked my consent and made me feel EXTREMELY comfortable before they put me under. Within minutes of my surgery being done, Dr. Grantcharov was briefing my mom and letting her know everything went well. They found it very comforting to know how I was doing.

After surgery, within an hour of coming to, he was in my room making sure I was fine and having no discomforts. Before he left the hospital for the night, he introduced me to a doctor just in case I felt discomfort.

I truly loved the way I was treated and how through he was. I was left with minimal scaring and he even tried to hide an incision in my belly button so it would not be seen. I had no complications.

Overall, if you can get him, consider yourself VERY VERY lucky.

Best wishes in the future!


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