Shaw Somers Bariatric Surgeon

Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is N/A

Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is N/A

Hello Dr Somers, I watch you on the tv all the time and I really want to beg you to help me - I have put on so much weight (30kg) in the last 3 years due to such depression. I don't leave my house except to work. I have no confidence and I am so embarrased. I am from South africa and I really need help. Please look on my with pity. I see your people all changing on the tv and getting their lives back. I so desparately want to live again. Please help me :(

Shaw somer is a wanker he recede my life my mum had the op in 1999 when i was 5 and it is nothing butt trouble my mum has been in and out of hospital for the last 11 year all coursed by what he done too her and now he does not want to know i hate him he has not only distrourd my mum life but my hole families life i don’t get on with my mum because of what he done my ante is more off a mum to me as that is where i live when mum is in hospital he has distroud my life my mums life my brother’s life my sister life my antes life an all of my cousins life’s