Rodolfo Dy

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 24 ratings

Rodolfo Dy Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

24 Reviews for Rodolfo Dy
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I had my first appt with Dr. Dy the beginning of August, 2002. Dr Dy was quiet , but very nice. He went over the surgery both lap and open and said i would be a candidate for the lap.He wanted to make sure my family was also well informed of all the risks and gave me the information on his orientations and support group meetings. His office staff, Beverly and Dawn were also very very nice and did not mind the ton of phone calls i made to them. We attended the orientation mid-August and he presented a "slide-show" and answered a lot of questions.He let everyone know he had only done 11 of the procedures(and i was ready to be the 12th!)The hospital he works out of is Community Hospital of New Port Richey. It took about a month to get all my letters and evals together (PCP, Chiro, Psych, sleep study)and Beverly submitted the request for authorization on Friday 9/6 and on Tuesday 9/10 she called me and let me know it was approved!!!!! My date is scheduled for 10/9, i have to go in to Dr Dy's office on 9/19 to go over everything again, and bring a family member and i am going to attend a support meeting prior to surgery and meet some of his post ops. I went to another Dr.s orientation also, but i was very disappointed when he did not give it, but had one of his office staff present it. So i decided to stick with Dr. Dy and i am confident that he will do everything perfect!


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I was anxious about meeting Dr. Dy, but he is very compassionate and I really liked him. I felt very comfortable talking with him and I didn't feel self conscious about myself. He held a seminar at Community Hospital which was very informative and I can't wait to have surgery. His office staff are great....they have put up with me calling constantly and they are very helpful!


I first met Dr. Dy at his Seminar back in October, 2002. He seemed very nice, knowledgable, and even funny at times. I met with him the following week and he was the same way at my visit. I had my pre-op with him last week and, again.. he was the same way! He's very open and honest.. straight to the point. He doesn't make you feel rushed at all. I'm very confident in his ability to perform my surgery!


I met him first at an acid reflux seminar and then again when I attended his gastric bypass seminar. He's caring and thorough in his speeches and our meetings, thus far.
I'm still fond of him but he's concerned about insurance companies not paying the going rate for the surgery to the physician and it costs him too much insurance to do this without patient "helping out" by paying the difference. That concerned my husband and I both.
His staff, especially Beverly, is terrific and thorough. If you can't get it done...she will!
He emphasises after care BETTER than anyone. I for one, intend to be a posterchild for this surgery because of his literature.
He very well imforms us on the risks involved but assures he will take his time and do it right without any rushing to get to the next.
I rate him high because HE will be doing the surgery and not an intern to learn the procedure.
Surgical competence is best but bedside manner will keep me happy to know it was worth it and referring others to him.


Dr. Dy is very clear about all the risks involved with the surgery. His office staff is very compassionate and helpful. They are always kind and patient every time I call.


Very concerned, listened and asked questions, very informative.

still the same

Office staff extremely helpful, very sympathetic, very informative.

He is professional, punctual, doesn't rush you through to get on to next patient
very much stresses all aftercare programs, wound care, pain management, support group. etc

very straight forward, gave every opportunity to reverse my decision
9 out of 10

great to both


Dr. Dy is quiet but, I have an inner faith that this man is good. He was honest with me and told me upfront that my short torso my hinder his abilities to work with the Lap tools to do my surgery but, he believes that it can be done. The office staff he has is great they were very professional and very concentrated on anything that I had to say. There is nothing that I did'nt like about Dr. Dy but, his office in New Port Richey was small and I did wait for along time but, that is nothing compared to what he will be doing for me.
I've only been to my first visit and I brought everything that I could bring to get the ball rolling. He requested me to go to his seminar before having surgery and that I must bring in a support person, that will be my husband.
He was very clear and concise on the fact that this carries a risk of dying.
Overall I think he is a very competent Doctor and I don't have a doubt that he will do a good job.


I am very very very impressed with Dr. Dy and his staff. I was a little concerned that he has not done many surgeries of this sort, but after meeting with him and attending his informative class, I feel he has the patient at mind. He is stright to the issue, no BS, If you need it, get it. If you don't then don't. He does not try to milk you for weeks or months or make you wait for weeks for an appointment. I had wasted 7 months waiting to see another Dr. in Tampa, went to Dr. Dy as a friend met him and liked him, within 4 weeks of first meeting, insurance is approved and surgery is scheduled. I was really impressed with his office staff. I was treated wonderful every time I called or came by. At NO time was I ever made to feel like I was a nag or bugging them. Very diligant. I am a little dissapointed in the aftercare and precare. Dr. Dy does not seem to put a great deal into the pre care or follow up. He does require you to come see him on a very regular basis and he checks up on you, but there did not seem to be a really strong support group afterwords, this may be my fault for not looking. Dr Dy is very upfront about the risks, he is stright to the point and does not pull punches. He is very supportive of this sort of surgery and will not waste your time. Overall, I would rate Dr. Dy as one of the best. He cares for his patients. That is so hard to find these days. I have seen 2 other surgons and neither impressed me at all. Dr Dy is a great person and very compassionate.


i actually have met with dr. barry haicken's nurse practitioner. i liked christine very much. she was extremely helpful and informative. she gave me the req's for my lab tests/procedures and i have decided to wait to do any of these until i meet with dr. dy on thursday, the 7th.


Dr. Rudolfo Dy is a very pleasant,professional, compassionate Doctor. He is of oriental decent and speaks excellent english. I am very pleased with his office staff, Beverly and Dawn. They are the shining stars and have helped make this experience run very smooth and stress free.

I am extremely happy with Dr. Dy. He is and excellent surgeon and has above average bedside manners. Kept me informed of my progress and explained each procedure he was doing. I had alot of questions for him when he saw me in the hosiptal and he was always cheery and happy to answer them.

I Rate Dr. Rudolfo Dy a 10

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