Raymond Drew

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 104 ratings

Raymond Drew Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

27 yr Experience

29 yr in Bariatrics

14 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

104 Reviews for Raymond Drew
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My experiance with Dr. Drew and his staff has been great.They have made me feel very comfortable and relaxed every time that I met with them.Judy was very helpfull getting all the paper work and insurance letters where they had to be.Thanks JUDY!They answered all the questions I asked them.Boy were there alot of questions!I found the office staff very supportive and encourging,even when they were busy.Dr.Drew did tell me how important after care was and that he expected me to keep up with it.Dr Drew was upfront with what all the possible risks were.Also the bennifets.
Surgical competence,bedside manner were both great.My experiance with Dr. Drew is a good one.




Dr. Drew is a very kind man. He spent an hour with me a few weeks before the surgery going over all the different aspects of the operation. His office staff is truley the best! Judy (His nurse) held an oriantation session to give you all the info you needed to make the decision. She was very helpful.


I had my surgery at Abbot with Dr.Drew Oct 4th , ( Lap) everything went well, until Dec I caught H-Pylorie? spelling that ulcered my stomach off and had to have a second surgery Jan 3, that was a open .I feel they treated me wonderful BOTH times~ The second time in the hospital I did meet Dr.Schwartz and I thought he was very nice! I see why they are the number one team in MN~ and his office staff, they are WONDERFUL!



I had my consultation with Dr. Drew yesterday, and I am happy to say that all the glowing comments about him are true! This was my pre-op consultation, and despite a busy office, an emergency, and a beeping pager (in fairness, it was an unusually busy day, even for that office), Dr. Drew not only took the time to go over the surgical and post-op procedures, but to answer the long list of questions I had brought with me. I was particularly impressed with Dr. Drew's emphasis on aftercare and his candor as to what a patient can do to make the surgery work for him/her vs. what to do that might sabotage the goals of the surgery. I was also pleased to learn that there is a support group that meets in the Dr.'s office on the first and third Tuesday of every month.
Finally, I can't say enough about the office staff--all of them are friendly, helpful, and supportive. I would recommend Dr. Drew to anyone contemplating this surgery in Minnesota!


Dr Drew was very open and honest about the procedure told my husband and myself all the details and all complications he's come across with his patients. He spent over a hour with us. We drove 7 hours for this meeting and he made well worth the drive. I do feel comfortable with him as a surgeon.


I met my surgeon and was very pleased. He has a great sense-of-humor. He spent one hour with me explaining everything that would be done and answered all my questions. I also really liked the two nurses that roomed me. Both were very nice and easy to talk to.


The whole experience with Dr. Drew and his staff was great. He is a wonderful doctor, patient, caring and truly helpful. With the exception of one person, all of his office staff were quite helpful and pleasant.


On Monday, Feb. 19, 2001, I went to an informational meeting at Dr. Drew's office's office. The session was facilitated by Judy Schwart, RN. Judy was very informative and friendly.

The session focused on the pre-op, post-op (aftercare) and the two different types of surgeries. Judy had guest speakers who have had the surgery -- one LAP and one Open -- tell us their story and share their successes. She focused most of her discussion on the pros and cons of the surgery and potential complications.

She also spent time discussing insurance and the process for getting a letter of approval from the insurance company. She talked about what we need to do to get the process going and what her role is in the process. I was happy to hear that Judy would write and submit the letter for approval to the insurance company. This is helpful considering she is the expert and knows what the insurance companies want.

Overall, the experience was good. I felt there were too many people at the session, which made the session last longer than the original two hours.

The office staff was nice and helpful. I have not met Dr. Drew yet. I cannot schedule a meeting with him until after I have received my letter of approval from the insurance company. When I do I'll let you know what I think of him.


Dr. Drew is a very nice man. I felt comfortable in his office when I had my consult in January. On surgery day, he came in and explained what he was going to do and again we talked about options.

Dr. Drew's office staff is wonderful. His coordinator, Judy Schwartz is wonderful!! She seems overworked but has been absolutely terrific helping me make the switch. She did visit me in the hospital which was very nice of her. Kelly, his PA did my post-op examine and she also visited me in the hospital. I was impressed by the friendliness of his staff and by their support. I feel very comfortable whenever I'm in the office.

I feel that Dr. Drew gave me the very best care. Enough so that my 23 year old daughter is scheduled to have the surgery on March 29.

I trust him. I trust his office staff. They are all committed to helping the obese. I would rank them at the very top of the ladder!!

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