Michael Koeplin Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.
11 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
14 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
25% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65

11 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
14 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
25% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65

Haven't met my surgeon yet, but was told he's a founder of the clinic, and one of the best they have. Was given his name at my first \"real\" clinic appointment Wed. 2-6-08.rnrnSo far I'm very impressed with the clinic - very friendly, huge emphasis on support systems and aftercare, willing to answer my questions.rnrnIf I had to choose between surgical competence and bedside manner ... well, both is of course preferred ... but I'd rather have an abrasive doc that is good at what s/he's doing than a nice but less than competent surgeon. I have other professionals who are paid to worry about my feelings; I want my surgeon to focus on keeping my guts in the right place.

My first impression of Dr. Koeplin was that he was very nice and knew what he was talking about. My opinion hasn't changed. The office staff at Healtheast Bariatric Clinic are exceptional people to deal with. The clinic has a extensive structured aftercare program set up that you need to agree with to proceed with the surgery. They want to help you throughout every aspect of your care for years to come and they want to make sure that you plan on making that commitment to yourself also. They address all the risks of surgery many times to make sure that you didn't miss anything and they answer any questions that you have. I would rate him and the staff as 10 out of 10. I believe that surgical competence and bedside manner are both needed. Of course this is just my opinion about the service I have received.

The entire bariatric team at St. Joe's are outstanding. From the first introductory meeting till the last meeting before scheduling my date, I have felt very good about my choices and the team work at St.Joe's. Dr. Koeplin is a kind and caring man and explained the pro's and con's of this surgery very well. Before and after care are gone into in length, you will be well prepared when going through this program, I highly recommend it. I feel very confident having this surgery with Dr. Koeplin. Nothing negative to say here....

I first met him at the informational meeting with my daughter. He was very informative and knew what he was talking about. He is working thru the Bariatric Program at St. Josephs Hospital in St. Paul, MN. This is the best. Very supportive and structured. I would rate him at this time great, and yes he did address the risks of surgery in a very understanding way. His burgical competence and bedside manner are both great. Sorry but I have nothing negative to say about him or the program at this time.