Michael Jiser Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.
8 yr Experience
5 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
50% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 68

8 yr Experience
5 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
50% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 68

I am now 4 days post op and feeling pretty darn good. Dr. Michael Jiser is one of the best doctors I've ever had to deal with. He has a great sense of humor and is straight forward with the answers. He never leads you astray and is committed to his patients. He has performed the gastric bypass surgery on my sister and I and will soon be taking on a friend of ours. I have full confidence in Dr. Jiser and would recommend anyone to see him for their surgery. The whole staff, Christine LeBreque, RN and Joan Hultgren, RD, LDN, CDE work with Dr. Jiser as a close knit team. They are there from the beggining, during and end of the long process. All 3 addressed and questions, problems or concerns I had before, during and after surgery. Again, thank you Dr. Jiser and staff for giving me a whole new focus on life.

I've met with Dr. Jiser only once and found him to be confident and comfortable with laparascopic surgery. As of our Meeting in the beginning of Dec. 2002 he had yet to perform any gastric bypass surgeries. He will have a surgeon from NY assist him during the first few surgeries.
I was very happy with Dr. Jiser as a surgeon. He took the time to address all of my concerns before and after surgery. To date he has performed over a dozen gastric by-pass surgeries, including mine and my daughter's. My daughter has run into some problems and I really like the way he has handled these problems. He is not afraid to enlist the care of other professionals when needed. He is not the most outgoing person but has a genuine warmth and concern for his patients which is evident.
Just had my three month check up with Dr. Jiser. I wanted to hug him but shook his hand and called him "Honey". I think he is great! He informed me that he has now done 28 gastric by-passes. I would recommend him to anyone. I think he is an extremely skilled surgeon and I trust him with my life and the lives of my family members.

The program is fairly comprehensive at Sts. Memorial Med Center, Lowell. There is an instructional meeting followed by several appointments for tests and there are support groups offered on the first and third Tuesdays, from 6pm to 7pm. Altho the groups are still new and have way too many people there, the contact with others both pre-op and post-op has been wonderful.
Dr. Jiser is professional and abrupt, but will take the time to answer questions as needed. His staff is wonderful at the clinic. Christine is the coordinator and she is always willing to listen and explain and be pleasant, despite the pressures as the number of people she is helping is increasing.
I have found that I have to be very involved in this process. I went as soon as possible to schedule all my appointments.I am gathering info to submit my own letter to the insurance company along with the clinic's packet of stuff. I've also chased down all my own medical records for Christine and am not sure this would have happened otherwise.
Although Dr. Jiser is fairly new at gastric bypass, I've chatted with nurses at the hospital who are very lavish in their praise of his work. They say he is one of the best lap surgeons in the area and has been doing other types of stomach surgeries laproscopically for many years.