Mark R. Gibbs

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.85714285714 out of 5 with 141 ratings

Mark R. Gibbs Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

20 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 62

Carrie Hibbs Profile Pic
Carrie Hibbs
Shannon Hankins Profile Pic
Shannon Hankins

141 Reviews for Mark R. Gibbs
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'I found him to be very laid back


'I had surgery in Little Rock May 11th of this year. Dr. Gibbs was my surgeon. He was wonderful. I'm an RN and I deal with doctors every day and believe me I can tell a good one from well


'I first met Dr. Gibbs and his nurse Kerri in Dec of 2005 at his seminar at Baptist. I then met him again in May when I went for a consult. My impression of Dr. Gibbs is that he is confident in his skills and very laid back. He was very kind and answered what few questions I had. Kerri is very


Mark Gibbs was a great surgeon.. he is so down to earth.. u can talk to him about ne of ur concerns.. and he will listen intently... I would definitly give him a 10 on the rating scale.. His staff is really nice too.. Carrie is wonderful.. she's just so sweet and caring... and very understanding..


Dr. Gibbs is the most wonderful surgeon. Since my surgery on 11/04/05 I have lost over 117 lbs. I would do it again and again. I have recommended Dr. Gibbs to many of my friends that are thinking about having the surgery done. I would only recommend the best.

Julie Akines


My first impression of Dr. Gibbs is that he is very knowledgeable, has been in this area quite awhile and wants his patients to be very informed about the surgery they choose to do and the expectations that he has. My impression has not changed since the seminar and I am looking forward to surgery on the 8th. His office staff is great. Very quick to help and always call back.


I have been very impressed with Dr. Gibbs so far. He was very professional and informative at the seminar, and during our consultation he came in wearing cowboy boots & jeans. He was very down to earth and honest with us about all aspects of what to expect in the upcoming months...


As a Recovery Room nurse I have had many patients who have had a gastric bypass. Let me just say, it is not just the surgery but the surgeon. Do your homework and pick the best surgeon available to you. I am so glad to have had Mark Gibbs as my surgeon!


I was very impressed with the seminar that Dr. Gibbs presented. He was very precise and informative about all aspects of the surgery and answered all my questions before I had a chance to ask.


I went to a seminar that was held by Dr. Gibbs - He was very down to earth and to the point- He didn't try to make you feel bad for being in this sitution and was very caring and informative. He answered everyone's question and his Nurse (Carrie) was very helpful. I'm waiting on my date to meet him in person and go over my surgery.

Met Dr.Gibbs during Pre-Op Testing. Sat down with me and went over everything. Answered all my questions (even if they seemed stupid) and was really nice and caring. Visited me in hospital 3 times to let me know things were going good and what I could expect in the following days. Very professional and I'm glad I chose him.

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