Keith Vollstedt

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 13 ratings

Keith Vollstedt Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

13 Reviews for Keith Vollstedt
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Ok it is now 8 yrs later. I do not ever recomend this doctor to anyone. He is a very nice man but the problem that I had was that when I got so sick & filled with infection he did not know what to do so he pretty much put me on the back burner & was waiting for me to die. Thank God I am stubborn & bull headed and I got the hell out of that hospital to my home town & family m.d. & surgeon & got sent to a good hospital & doctors.

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Doctor Vollstedt is an extremly nice man.
I felt very comfortable with him from the minute he walked into the room.
His office staff is so nice and polite, and are great about answering any questions.
I can not think of anything negative about doctor V or his wonderfull staff.


So far all is going well... Have been approved by insurance and have been attending behavior modification classes and support group.

Should be having surgery in the first part of December.


Keith Vollstedt, MD~Dakota Dunes, SDrnrnHe is funny, and just a common man. Not the smallest person himself, so he doesn't come off as not understanding. rnrnI didn't see any of him in the hospital. I thought I would see him before surgery, but I didn't. Then I thought I would see him before I went home, but he had an emergency elsewhere so I saw his PA. rnrnHis office staff is phenomenal. Their bariatric coordinator, Cindy, was wonderful and very helpful with insurance. rnrnSurgeon's office worked in conjunction with Mercy Medical Center, a hospital with their own bariatrics program. I thought it was very important in my process as we had to \"jump through some hoops,\" Psych eval, four behavior meetings, two meetings with Mercy Bariatrics, a support group meeting, and the two appts with my surgeon.


Dr. Vollstedt was the presenter at the first required bariatric WL meeting I attended. I was very impressed with him, and at the time, had an appointment with a different surgeon. It enedd up that Dr. V. was the surgeon who performed lap RNY, so I was scheduled to see him.rnrnMy first impression has proven correct - he is a very nice, compassionate man. He made me feel comfortable immediately, and that feeling continues. His staff is knowledgeable, and instrumental in gaining the approval by my insurance company.rnrnHe works with Mercy Hospital in Sioux City, and they have a wonderful bariatric program there, complete with pre and post op meetings, sessions and education. I rate both he and the program very highly.


Dr. Vollstedt makes you feel very comfortable and does not push anything. Rather he gives you the information, answers all your questions then leaves the decision to you (not on the spot either...more of a "let me know when if you decide"). His staff is wonderful and very detail oriented and made me feel very confident that everything will go smoothly with the approval process. I highly recommend the indepth program required through Dr. V and Mercy Medical Center.


my first impression of dr. vollstedt was that he was a very nice man that seemed to care and he answered all questions i had.
his office staff was very helpful they were all very pleasant.


He seemed very nice. He was very friendly and upbeat. I felt the office staff was also very nice. He was willing to listen to my requests regarding the type of surgery I want to have, and he was very quick to emphasize the importance of getting into a support group. he explained the timeframe that the surgery will take and how big the incision will be. The only thing I felt that was negative of the staff in the office was the receptionist was not willing to set my next appointment, until I spoke to the office manager. Which she was much friendlier, and explained that I could make the next appointment as soon as my insurance approves the surgery.


I knew Dr. Vollstedt since he use to work that the clinic I am working at now.
He is very soft spoken, understanding,
and allows time for questions.
I was very nervous at the hospital right
before surgery. He came and visited me twice with reassurance and held my hand.
The office staff have been very under-
standing and non-judgemental. When I had
some problems, they got me in touch with the


I selected Keith Vollstedt as my surgeon because I liked him as soon as I met him. He's a tall big guy with a warm firm hand shake and a good smile. He was as informative as I was hoping but really listened to me. He was very honest with me about the seriousness of the surgery but very optimistic about all the ways it would help me. I was already familiar with his office and staff as I had been seen there previously by another physician for another reason. So I feel somewhat familiar in his office. As soon as we hear that I've been approved for surgery I'll be seeing him again to schedule a date and make arrangements for all the pre-surgical stuff. I hope I still feel as good about Dr. Vollstedt as I do now.


My first impression was that he cared. He listened to your questions and answered them patiently. He was very informative and explained the options, risks, benefits. Always quick to respond to concerns that you may have. His surgical competence and bedside manner were fantastic. The office staff all were kind and helpful. I would recommend Dr. Vollstedt for surgery if you are researching this type of surgery. The aftercare program consists of office visits - he has your PCP follow up with blood work following the surgery. However, if any problems should arise - he is always there.

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