Karl LeBlanc Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.
23 yr Experience
7 yr in Bariatrics
20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
20% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65

23 yr Experience
7 yr in Bariatrics
20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
20% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65

I came to Dr LeBlanc with 3-4 hernias in 2008( I did not have bariatric surgery & due to options could not supply this information in profile). My hernias were from multiple abdominal surgeries performed 2 years previously. He was recommended by another doctor in my area. As so many of the reviews state, this man is awesome. When he did my procedure laparoscopically and found a total of 5 hernias and along with a 5 hour procedure and 12 small incisions I came out smelling like roses other than issues with pain meds that cause me many side affects. I cannot sing his praises enough as he has basically broughtt me back to be a functioning human being and still have not had any issues from his procedure and it is now 2016. He even joked about getting all the tough ones and evidentially did not seem to phase him as he did such an awesome job. God Bless This Man
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I had heard so many positive things about Dr. Leblanc from other patients that he has performed the surgery on. He was highly recommended. The day of my consulation with Dr. Leblanc was everything everyone had said about him and more. He is so patient and understanding and he don't rush you if you have questions. He sit there and listen patiently and give advice to you. His hospitlity is awesome and so his his nurse and staff. I am so glad I took the advise and went to him. I am now waiting to have my surgery December the 2nd. I am ready to start my new life!!!

Dr. Leblanc was recommended to me by several friends. Those friends I trust, you see I am a health care professional and sought out the opinion of other healthcare professionals. He answered all questions I had, even when I think I might have challenged him a bit. Currently I am 3 weeks post-op and do not regret my decision to have chosen Dr. Leblanc for my surgery. He took his time to explain thing to me and warned me about common complaints and things to watch out for after surgery.
Additionally, his office staff is very accommodating and quick to respond to requests. That is a big plus to consider when choosing a surgeon.
I was so pleased with the whole experience I have recommended him to others. My daughter is currently in the testing/insurance approval process for surgery with Dr. Leblanc.

My first impression of Dr. LeBlanc was that he was a very down to Earth, casual doctor. I actually was scheduled to have surgery with another surgeon and switched to him because I loved his demeanor. This impression of him has not failed me in any way--throughout all of my pre-op and post-op appointments, he has remained wonderful! The office staff is extremely helpful, especially Amy. When I decided to switch doctors and needed to schedule a pre-op consultation with him on the same day as some other appointments so I would not miss work, she made it happen. I think that future patients should know that he is extremely professional and competent in his field while also having a great bedside manner. Aftercare is definitely a must with Dr. LeBlanc. Followup appointments are scheduled at increments that bring you back into the office frequently in the beginning, then eventually once a year. You also see the nutritionist. In addition, the bariatric program offers a support group that is extremely active. Risks of surgery were given to me before surgery. I would definitely rate Dr. LeBlanc as a 10 for both his surgical competence and bedside manner. I feel like I made the right decision going with him!

After a few minutes with Dr. LeBlanc, I felt very comfortable that everything would be fine and I had a top-notch expert. He has a funny quarkiness that makes him seem like he's existing in his own little biosphere -- nothing matters but his craft and his patients' health. My husband and I chuckled how colors in the room didn't seem to match and the meeting room seemed like a lot of thought haven't gone into decorating. rn<br>rn<img src=\"http://images.obesityhelp.com/uploads/profile/251780/albums/10020/doc_kal3.jpg\" width=\"120\" align=\"left\">Dr. LeBlanc was a lot like that room -- focused without a lot of snotty, useless decorations and attitudes. I could tell from the manner he explained the procedure that he had a teacher's zeal (and knowledge) of bariatric surgery. And being a teacher, he was a master.rn<br>rnHis self-less nature was best demonstrated when he expressed concern that I also get a hernia repaired. He told me that the hernia could cause problems and then said \"I do that.\"rn<br>rn\"I do that?\"rn<br>rnThat statement sounded like what the 'handyman guy' says about detailing cars: \"I do that.\"rn<br>rnLater, while researching the doctors and procedures, I found it hard to find anything (but here at obesityhelp.com) about Karl LeBlanc, the bariatric surgeon. Instead, I found tons of information about Karl Leblanc, the world renowned (really) hernia repair specialist. On two UK sites, I even read reviews of one of his two books on less-invasive hernia repair. His description of all that: \"I do that.\"rn<br>rnI immediately told my husband that I thought it was Divine Intervention that I would be sent to a bariatric surgeon who was also a hernia specialist.rn<br>rnDr. LeBlanc took an interest in my unique problems and needs, but also refused to push me into having the surgery when I expressed a 'wait and see attitude' about it. rn<br>rnHis staff is the perfect combination of professionalism and supportive. The office staff made me feel comfortable even when I was trying hard not to like them. Being both obese and egotisical, I'm always watching like a hawk for medical professionals who speak down to me or treat me like I have a mental defect. They did neither. When I couldn't fight it any more, I decided I just had to love them for all the support and information they gave to me. I applaud Amy, Genie and any others who helped make this as smooth as possible.rn<br>rn<b>Update 2009:</b> After six years, I've become a constant figure at the practice. Dr. LeBlanc has been a mentor, a confident, a business associate and a awesome friend. I was revised to the Sleeve May 26, 2009 and I'm seeing awesome results.rn<br>I am also the marketing and communications representative for Dr. LeBlanc's practice. I love my work and I love the awesome folks I work with. I am richly blessed!

My first impression of Dr LeBlanc was No one is this happy all the time but he is. The staff are excellant and go above the call of duty to help you. I love Dr LeBlanc, he saved my life. He sees me every 3 months unless I need him. All I can say id Dr LeBlanc and his staff are wonderful and they did everything that was possible to help me and they still do. His office holds support meetings once a month.

Dr. LeBlanc is a top notch surgeon. My Lap RNY was scheduled for 2 hours and I was only in surgery for about 1 & 1/2 hours. He is knowledgeable and caring. His staff is wonderful, namely Amy & Josette. No matter how many times I called they were ALWAYS caring and helpful and if they had a bad day, I never knew.rnrnWhat confirmed to me that Dr. LeBlanc was a wonderful guy and surgeon was at my pre-op appt. They were running late and were obviously very busy. He walks in with a huge genuine smile on his face and says ,\" I am so sorry about your wait. Today is my follow up day for (WLS) surgery and I just talk too much and enjoy seeing everyone post op.\" I could see he truly does this because he loves helping people and enjoys seeing their successes. Thank YOU Dr. LeBlanc.