Jorge Acosta Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
11 yr Experience
11 yr in Bariatrics
11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
60% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 75

11 yr Experience
11 yr in Bariatrics
11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
60% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 75

Dr Acosta did my surgery on 6/3/13 and I could not have been more blessed. He is a very kind, caring man. He never once made me feel like he was in a hurry to be somewhere else, never made me feel like I was not important to him and has a great bedside manner. I would highly recommend him to anyone .

Dr Acosta performed my surgery on May 8, 2012. I have nothing but respect for him. From the first time I saw him at the conference in December to my first appointment with him in El Paso he was always very professional and very informative. He has a no nonsense attitude about his work and if he is going to give you the time and dedication of his craft then you had better be willing and able to do your part and follow the plan as prescribed!! He is quiet but firm--and very serious about his work. Post Operatively ...he was wonderful about keeping my family informed about my progress and while in the hospital he was there to see me everyday and let my family ask any questions that they had. I firmly believe that due to his talent and perfection with his craft it gave me the best possibility for the best recovery! I had no painful gas post op as he instilled the desire in me to walk as much as possible beginning 4 hours after my surgery. I needed no pain meds after two days!! I felt awsum the day after surgery!! I am nearly 3 weeks post op and I still feel wonderful!! I truely feel blessed that he was my surgeon...its easy to see why he had previously been named Bariatric Surgeon of the year!! I told him I felt that way and he was very humble. God works wonders thru this mans able hands! I am blessed that my insurance company would only allow me to see him and his Center of Excellence. After hearing of the things that other people have gone thru I am now happy that I had to jump thru the hoops I had to with my insurance company to ensure I had the best of the best care out there!! God Bless you Dr. Acosta!! You have given me the best tool to help me gain my life back!!! <3

Dr Jorge Acosta performed my gastric by pass on November 23, 2010. I had an excellent experience with the surgery. Dr. Acosta found I had a hernia and repaired it at the same time. I am very greatful to him. He has been very kind and caring. However his office staff has made me feel differently. I had an issue with my sick leave that I wanted to take. I have lots of sick leave and felt that I had to justify wanting to take more that two weeks. I don't know if people normally abuse this leave but I don't. I'm a teacher and going back to work after two weeks with 24 first graders is not something I wanted to rush to. Dr Acosta was fine with my leave but the office staff wasn't. they did the same thing with my husbands Family leave. I'm hesitant to ask them things, but I still do, but I feel like I'm in the principal's office. But Acosta is incredible.

Dr. Acosta, is kind and professional. My first impression was that he is caring, and really passionate about helping people reach their health goals. His office staff is amazing, Nurse Becky is extremely helpful, and she was so excited to see me after surgery, how many Nurses do you know that are exceted to help you along your journey?! I am a little ove a week out and will be seeing them in a few days, can't wait:) I rate Dr. Acosta at a 10, he is one of the best at what he does!

I found Dr. Acosta to be very humble and very knowledgeable. My impression hasn't changed. I believe his office staff will work with me as we get to know each other better. I wish I could have spoken to him a bit more often before the surgery. He is very serious about his work and his success and expects his patients to commit to their part of the program. I do not know about the aftercare program yet as my first appointment is the 25th of March.
I was glad Dr. Acosta addressed the risks of the surgery and was ready when I had a complication on the table. Overall if you are looking for a surgeon who specializes in gastric bypass then I would highly recommend Dr. Jorge Acosta. He has great bedside manner and great surgical competence.

Dr. Acosta was awesome. He was attentive and understanding. I see why he was voted \"top doc\" for bariatric surgery. He gave me my life back. When I first met Dr. Acosta, he was professional and caring. He made sure he got my name right. My impression of has not changed. His staff is great Ms. Beckey and Trish are the most organized and professional staff one can have. Although I had to make the drive all the way to ElPaso, I found them to be compassionate to my cause. They took good care of me before the surgery. Post Surgery was just as good. When I had issues, they returned my phone calls and made sure I was ok. They told me all the things to expect with the surgery. I had no surprises. Oh...take that back. I did have one and that is that my life would increasing get better day by day. I am still waiting for my 3-4 month post-op visit, but based on what I have said here, it will be just fine.

My first impression of Dr. Acosta was that of a surgeon who has a lot of experience, he conducted himself in a very professional manner and was very understanding of my situation. He was very thorough he asked all the questions that a Dr. should ask. I was not sure as to what procedure I wanted to do. I wanted to do the lap band at first but then there was the RNY which sounds wonderful because the weight comes off faster but more risk. He told me that I would do well with either one and at first I leaned towards the RNY, but then lol at the last minute I changed my mind, and opted for the banding instead. Dr. Acosta did not get upset in any way and was very understanding of my feelings about each one. His office is very friendly, Deborah and Becky are wonderful, any time that I had a question they called me back within a day. Deborah has had WLS as well and is very understanding. Dr. Acosta makes you do your part so if you think you can get one over on him don’t even try lol I learned that the hard way. I adore him simply because he did not allow me any excuses which made me realize that I still had some work to do on myself. I would rate Dr. Acosta an A++ for competence and bedside manner. I look forward to my aftercare and I know that I am in good hands.
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Jorge Acosta is FANTASTIC! he has an awesome bedside manner. he ALWAYS asks permission to \"look at your tummy\" before he actually does it lol. he's very thorough. i was very ill and had 2 additional hospital stays after my RNY. the second was for 8 days. he came to see me as often as he could and left no stone unturned when trying to find the cause of my being sick. when he couldn't make it in to see me, he made sure that someone he trusted did. he sent his father to see me (who is also a surgeon) on one occasion when he couldn't make it in. his surgical competence is astonishing and he was voted doctor of the year in 2007. he is very strict about your aftercare, which is wonderful. it shows he actually cares a great deal about his patients. you can just feel it when he's around. he's very sincere. he was very open with me about the risks of the surgery going in and about how the benefits don't always outweight them (thankfully in my case they did :] ). he's willing to answer all your questions, and i do mean ALL. he makes you feel like what they say is true: \"there is no stupid question\". his nurse is wonderful. very friendly. somewhat informal, but still very professional, which is great. makes you feel much more comfortable. like you're with friends instead of just medical care providers. rnrnother members of dr. acosta's staff (i.e. clerks, front desk personnel ...) seem to be a little more imcompetent when it comes to their jobs at times than you'd like to believe they would be. they are friendly nonetheless. the first nutrionist i saw in his office was great. the one i'm seeing now seems a tad \"fake\". it seems like maybe her career is still in the infant stages so she still has a lot of learning to do. she, too, is still quite friendly and helpful.rnrni know of others whose surgeries dr. acosta performed as well, and they are as equally satisfied, however, you must meet him and his staff yourself in order to form your own opinion. i personally love him and am glad i chose him as my surgeon