John Feng

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 42 ratings

John Feng Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

18 yr Experience

16 yr in Bariatrics

14 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

42 Reviews for John Feng
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My first impression of Dr. Feng was that we is obviously knowledgeable of the surgical procedures and the risk of each of them. Given that I had already done a lot of research I didn't need all that and I wished he could have not focused on getting through all the information and instead just got to know me as a person. I don't want to be just another case. That said, however, he an expert in the field. The office is absolutely wonderful. I delt with a couple of other offices before making the decision to go with Dr. Feng and his office is by far the best run. That is worth everything, and certainly played a role in my decision.


My first impression of Dr. Feng was that he was very informative about the different types of surgeries.
My consult with him went very well and I was pleased with everything about him, he really put a lot of emphasis on my lifestyle changes post op, eating habits, exercising.
Dr. Feng called me at home a couple of days before surgery just to see how I was feeling, I could not have felt any more confident with my choice of surgeon.
The office staff and other surgeons at Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco is great and I would rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 a 11.


I cannot wait to be done and on the other side


My Dad and StepMom saw an interview with Dr Feng on a local news channel. I followed the news channel website link to Dr. Feng's website My first appointment with him was extremely educational. He is excellent at explaining in great detail (which I love)what the surgery involves, and he does this so the everyday person can understand. He was compassionate and sympathetic to my struggle with weight without being patronizing. I called him two days after the consult and he returned my call the same day! Three weeks later at the support group meeting, I wanted to clarify something he told me and he remembered speaking with me on the phone and what we talked about. His goal was to perform surgery with the lowest risk possible and best weight loss success for my extremely high BMI. Amazingly, he also was concerned about minimizing my expenses (I'm self-pay)and took all this into account when recommending the appropriate procedure. His office staff is awesome and I have complete confidence in him as a Surgeon. I fully expect his bedside manner is as great as his knowledge and caring. Nothing has been negative at this point.


The following information is based on my personal experience with wls.

When I met Dr. Feng at the consultation appointment, he seemed friendly and wanted to learn about my medical history, lifestyle, and interests. He took a considerable amount of time to explain the WLS options that were available laporoscopically for my consideration. He also talked about the benefits and risks associated with each one. Dr. Feng is a thoughtful person.

After surgery, he spoke with my wife about the procedure, what took place and helped her to learn more about what to expect post-op, both in hospital and the first few weeks at home. They spoke about dietary and necessary nutritional suppliments.

LapSF, the practice, has a very helpful staff. Every time I needed information they were able to assist. The practice has a great surgical nurse that assists in bariatric surgery at St. Luke's! Shawna walked me through what to expect prior to surgery and then answered many questions post-op. She stopped by each afternoon to check in and learn of my progress.

When Dr. Feng came in on my last day at the hospital, he provided a comprehensive booklet for post-op care that included nutritional and excercise information. He has been responsive via email to answer any questions and is concerned about after care. Both his surgical competence and bedside manner are great!


Dr. Feng is wonderful! He's very kind, caring and knowledgable about bariatric surgery. He made sure that I was comfortable about my choice with a RNY. I couldn't have chosen a better surgeon! I'm very grateful to have had him as my doctor.

His office staff were professional, timely, courteous and caring! I was approved within 4wks of my initial visit. I was quite impressed.

I would recommend Dr. Feng and his associates to everyone who wanted bariatric surgery because they really care about their patients and their well-being!


Dr Feng not only presents himself as a good surgeon, he is patient, informed, kind and very helpful. I have every confidence in his surgical skills and his dedication to providing first class post-op help and advice. These three surgeons [Jossart, Cirangle and Feng] give up their spare time to attend support group meetings, answer emails quickly, and care for their patients. They are definenlty not a slice and dice factory line like other surgeons. Also since they provide all 3 main surgeries, I am confident in their guidance since they have no alterior motives to promote DS over RNY etc.

No complaints whatsoever. This was my first ever surgery and I was terrified of the whole hospital experience, but not once did I worry about the skills of my surgeon which helped alot. Dr Feng must have done an excellent job since I was up and around a couple of hours later and was released 3 days later not even needing pain meds. He visited me in hospital daily and explained all about some additional things they had to do to me in OR and why.

Nice man, excellent surgeon, excellent reputation and track record.


Dr. Feng was very helpful, both in our initial phone conversation, and during my consult. I'm very pleased to be having him doing my surgery - and impressed with the thought and concern he has shown about me personally!

I brought in a full set of my medical records, and we reviewed them as he asked questions. He was clear about the risks and my expectations.

The aftercare was emphasized, as well as the nutritional aspects and the followup labs and appointments.

I was very impressed. I've had other surgeries (serious eye and other major surgeries) and some great doctors. I also worked in a specialized Spina Bifida clinic with some great doctors for 3 years. So I feel like I know a little bit about doctors... and Dr. Feng was excellent on all of the counts I was expecting.

In addition, he had great interpersonal skills, and never left me feeling rushed. I would keep competence over bedside manner, but Dr. Feng has both. I'm pleased.

Post-op update: Fabulous surgical competence. Despite a problem with my intestines (not due to them) they did a great job, in my opinion. Dr. Feng and Dr. Jossart went out of their way to make my husband more comfortable with the procedure. I had many visits in the hospital, and quick, prompt followup on my calls and questions post-op. Dr. Feng was even available at 2 am to switch my pain medication promptly! I can't say enough about their professionalism and their assistance with every detail. I've had my first followup appointment and will be having labs at 3 mo, 6 mo, etc. I'm also attending the monthly support group.


Actually I saw Dr. Feng, who is in the practice with Dr. Jossart. He was the sweetest, most informative Dr. He really cared about me, and my concerns. I have emailed him a couple of times, and he responded within just a couple of hours, now that is AMAZING!!! He wasnt in a hurry, or checking his watch. He took as much time as I needed. I would definately recommend him to anyone, he was great.. His office staff has been very nice, I am very pleased with how fast they returned calls. Dr. Feng went over risks very carefully, i was impressd.
Dr. Feng is awesome. and jossart and cirangle too. These doctors care about you.


I went for a Consultation with Dr. Feng at San Francisco Laproscopic on Jan 2, 2003....I found him to be very very knowledgable and very caring with a great bedside manner...I had first contacted Dr. Jossart and found him to be very pleasant also...I really like all the Doctor's at San Francisco Laproscopic as well as the staff, they "listen" to your needs and address them to the best of their ability...I trust them implicitly and feel that I am in the best hands possible. All the surgeons are very upfront with the dangers of the surgery and are very thorough with all the medical testing...they cover every facet of your health to make sure that they have no suprises during surgery. I am very thankful to be in the hands of Dr. Feng, Dr. Jossart and Dr. Cringle. I realize that all people are all different and that one person may really like an individual while another may is my personal experience and these are my own feelings at this point in time.

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