Jay C. Long Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

10 yr Experience
13 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
30% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18

10 yr Experience
13 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
30% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18

I highly recommend Dr. Long and his practice. Not only am I a bariatric patient but I am also a regular surgery patient. Dr. Long has always taken the time to explain everything to me and my family in great detail...even when I ask 1000 questions. He is very patient and understanding. I feel like my life was changed forever because of him and his kind staff.
1 person found this helpful

Dr. Long himself is friendly enough and makes you feel comfortable, but his staff is terribly rude and does not follow thru with anything. its been over a month since I seen him and I am still trying to get his office staff to finish faxing my paperwork to the insurance company. I have an apt in 2 days and I called them to asked them if they had heard from insurance company of course not. because the paperwork isn't in yet. I am looking for a new surgeon . Even though my acid reflux and hiatal hernia isn't bothering them it is me and I want it taken care of. I am tired of being dismissed and a afterthought