Gustavo Huerta

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 22 ratings

Gustavo Huerta Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

20 yr Experience

5 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

20% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

22 Reviews for Gustavo Huerta
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My first impression of Dr. Gustavo Huerta was a very kind and compassionate person. He talked to me and actually listened to me. My impression of Dr. Gustavo Huerta only get better with time. I feel as though if I needed him day or night and he was not in the middle of surgery he would be right there for me. His office staff is dedicated and very sensitive to the needs of bariatric patients. There was absolutely nothing I did not like about Dr. Huerta. Future patients need to know that this entire staff from the doctors to the office staff to the bariatric nurses are totally dedicated to this bariatric surgery. I have never been treated with as much respect as I received during my surgery as well as my follow up visits. I cannont praise them enough. Their aftercare program is thourough and they keep emphasizing your nutritional needs and support system. This facility does have a very active aftercare program and I can assure you they take this very seriously. When I first went to a community program where they were promoting bariatric surgery they let you know up front this is a very serious surgery and you could face the risk of complications or death. On a scale of 1-10 I would definitely rate Dr. Gustavo Huerta a BIG 10. I would wholeheartedly state Dr. Huerta's surgical competence and bedside manner are phenomenol. He always has a smile on his face.


My first impression of Dr. Huerta was a great one, he knows alot about surgery and I trust him. I've had other doctors tell me if they had to have surgery Dr. Huerta would be thier pick. The office staff is wonderful I've called them with like 400 questions and they are always graceful and helpful. My surgery will be a team effort between Dr. Huerta & Dr. Hamilton in Dickson, TN. Aftercare is huge in this office you have to follow up and go to the group meetings. Dr. Huerta did lay out all the risk and benefits of the surgery and for me the pro's out weigh the con's, over all I'd give him and his staff a 10+.

Ok, this last question is almost silly I'd much rather him be a good surgeon than to be able to make me smile after he tore something in my belly up. Bedside manner is good to have but not more important than surgical competence.

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