Gregory Walton Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
20 yr in Bariatrics
22 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 75

20 yr in Bariatrics
22 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 75

Dr Walton is amazing. I am now 5 months post op and am very happy with my decision to use Weightwise. The entire staff is amazing and the support groups are tremendously helpful.
Dr Walton is wonderful. He is very straight forward and told me what to expect along the way. Weightwise has an excellent support program. I have not met his entire staff. But the ones I have dealt with are amazing!!

Dr Walton answered all my questions, thoroughly explained how the surgery could positively impact my co-morbidities. I'm feeling optimistic right now in making this life change. Everyone I've dealt with in his office has been extremely informative and helpful. The pre-surgery regimen is well structured. I've only been to one support group meeting, but really enjoyed it. I came to Dr Walton because I saw the success my friend has had after her surgery and aftercare with Dr. Walton.

I am so blessed to have been recommend Dr. Gregory Walton, he is extremely pleasant and had a great deal of patience with all my questions.
He was very clear on what I needed to do for me to be able to not only be prepared for surgery but also to be ready for what would come after surgery.
He was understanding when I did not do as well as expected on a weigh in he didn't make me feel bad but only encouraged me. I know there are doctors that are tough on their patients, but for me with my background Dr. Walton is perfect.
He went over every risk and how it would be addressed so I was fully informed and felt completely confident in undergoing surgery.
The aftercare program is wonderful and very well structured. He and his staff are always very quick to respond to questions and any needs I might have.
He visited with me before surgery and after more than once.
I have not experienced any complications and am very satisfied.
I am now looking forward to the wonderful life I am going to have because of Dr Walton and his wonderful staff.

Thank you to the staff and the surgeon who took the time and expertise to share valuable information to us at the Saturday seminar. Marsha was wonderful and showed us around and made us feel welcome and comfortable with all the processes. Amy was very kind to come in on her own time to share her story.

I am a new patient to the Weight Wise clinic in Edmond. I have had my initial consultation and met Dr. Walton. So far I am very impressed with him and the staff. They are all very compassionate, caring people. Dr. Walton is straight forward and very informative. I like a doctor that says what needs to be said and doesn't sugar coat things. The staff are very professional and the clinic is very clean and welcoming. I am excited to have such a great group of people taking care of me during my future procedure.

At my very first appointment with Dr. Walton, I knew he was the right surgeon for me. Not only is he friendly and professional, you can also tell that he enjoys his job and enjoys helping his patients. His patient advocate has always been there for me and I always get a quick answer to all my questions. He also has a very friendly staff that goes over diet and exercise this includes all the nurses and secretaries. Every person in that office knew how to help someone out and answer questions. They were always on the same page! They didn't confuse me with different answers to the same question. Dr. Walton also emphasizes how important his post op after care is to continued success with the weight loss. I would highly recommend Dr. Walton for anyone wanting to have weight loss surgery.