George A. Fielding Bariatric Surgeon MD
19 yr Experience
25+ yr in Bariatrics
25+ yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
25+ yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 75

19 yr Experience
25+ yr in Bariatrics
25+ yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
25+ yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 14
Max Age of Patient is 75

About MeDr. George Fielding has been performing bariatric surgery for over 25 years and general surgery for 37 years. He earned his medical degree in Brisbane, Australia at the University of Queensland and completed surgical training at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. He further completed advanced training in laparoscopic surgery.
Latest Reviews See all 37 reviews
I felt extremely comfortable in Dr. Fielding's hands. There haven't been many recent reviews for this doctor, and I really have literally no idea why. The entire process to learn about surgery, get approved by insurance, and then recover successfully is beautifully curated More...
I was never a patient
Dr. Fielding performed my surgery, he was not my doctor initially. I'm very happy he was the one to do the procedure for me. He was kind, attentive, and professional.
LocationNew York, NY 10016
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