Elliot Goodman

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 28 ratings

Elliot Goodman Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

7 yr Experience

5 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

85% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 69

Biliopancreatic Diversion


28 Reviews for Elliot Goodman
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Dr. Goodman is a very pleasant and patient doctor.
He is very understanding and will answer any questions or
concerns you may have about the procedure. He
does not talk down to you or make you feel uncomfortable.
Linda is also a very friendly person to deal with when I call the
office. I would highly recommend Dr. Goodman to everyone even if
you are out of state. Everything was explain to me about the procedure
including the aftercare. It seems to be a very structured program. My
surgery date is March 19, 2001. I can't wait and I feel a little nervous.
I will check back in after the procedure is done. I would give Dr. Goodman a 10. He made sure I understood everything before I had the procedure was done. He let me know that everybody recovers different from this procedure.


he was very careful about every detail og my past and present health issues. I think he excellent hes a prefectionist. His staff is wonderful that can't do enough for you. HES AN EXCELLANT SURGEON He pushes the issue have important it is to follow the diet to the letter.HE HAS AN AFTERCARE PROGRAM AT PASCAACK VALLEY Hospital every 3rd monday of the month. HE TELL YOU THE RISKS DOWN TO THE % I would recommend other to see him. hes excellant both


April 3, 2001. My husband and I met with Dr. Goodman last night. My first impression of him was very positive. He seems to truly care about his patients, and was very upfront and positive. The other patients that I spoke to in his office seem to love and respect him. They have a great support group that mets once a month. In general, he was very positive and assured me that I was a good candidate for the surgery. He gave me a tentative date of May 18th, and a list of the things I have to get done prior to submitting insurance papers. I feel like I am on my way to a new thin life. April 24. Send an email to Dr. Goodman with a bunch of questions, unbelievable he answered within an hour....what a great guy, I am happy with my decision to use a doctor that is accessible to his patients. It really does make all the difference to me!!


I saw Dr. Goodman on 3/21/01. My very first
impression was that he was very thin and very
young. These of course being fine with me.
It's just the first thing I noticed.

Then he started talking and he had a nice voice.
He also had a very nice smile. He seemed happy
to be there even though it was at night and the
noreaster was knocking on our door. (bad winds and
rain). I was already thinking good thoughts
about him.

He asked me a little of my medical history and
asked if I had any questions. I was there with
both my mother and father. I had a lot of questions,
my mother had a few and my father had none. But
everything was answered very honestly. He made
me feel like I had full trust in him already.
He made me feel at ease. Even when we were talking
about the death factor. I was really worried
about dying from the surgery or complications
of the surgery. He put my mind at ease. Oh, I
forgot to say that we saw a 20 minute video before
we met with him.

He examined me and then gave his thoughts on
my predicament. Let's just say I wanted to
have the surgery right then and there. And I
am not the kind of person to trust anybody right
away. I have had bad situations in the past
and have learned never to trust anyone right
away. But I was all smiles until I went to
sleep that night. And I hardly ever smile
these days. He gave me hope.

The most important thing he said was an answer
to a question I posed to him, "why did you get
into this field of medicine/surgery?"

He answered (without hesitation) "Because this
surgery makes people happy. I like to make people

Need I say more?


AFTERCARE: he has a monthly meeting with others
who have had the surgery. He says I need to
go to the meeting BEFORE the surgery so I can
talk to people. Post op visits will be one week,
one week after that, one month, three months
for a while.


on a scale of 0-10 I would rate him a 9. Only
because I really don't have anything to compare
him to. He was the first doctor I saw.

He seemed very knowledgable in the process. I
have many, many medical problems (most not due
to weight) and he had an answer for all the
problems. He had a way to take care of the surgery
and not let the problems get in the way. I
was really worried that I wouldn't be able to
do the surgery because of my problems. But
he knows just how to handle them.

His bedside manner is great. Very happy, very
smiley, very understanding and listens to everything
you have to say with undivided attention.


I was very impressed by Dr. Goodman before I even met him. I had written an email inquiring about weight loss surgery and I honestly did not expect to get an asnwer. Well, MUCH to my delight Dr. Goodman responded the same day. He also contacted me by phone several times. He even left his beeper number so that I was sure to get in touch with him!! His office staff is excellent!! They are very friendly and warm. I really appreciated that. The risks of the surgery are addressed by having you watch a video and writing down any questions that you have. Dr. Goodman then sits with you to go over them. He is a very cool guy. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate him a 20!!


My first impression of Dr. Goodman was that he was a kind man and very intelligent man.
My impression of Dr. Goodman has not changed at all, I was so happy to see him after my surgery telling me that I got through it great and could go home on Friday. His office staff is great, both ladies are very friendly, helpful and patient. I don't have any negative responses to the care I am receiving. I would recommend Dr. Goodman to anyone who's considering having surgery. Dr. Goodman was adament about the fact of taking a multi vitamin everyday and I am pleased with the information that he has supplied. Regarding the risk of surgery
Dr. Goodman showed me a video tape and due to this homepage and having a friend who had the surgery I was pretty aware of the risks before meeting Dr. Goodman. My overall rating for Dr. Goodman is great, his surgical competence and bedside manner are both wonderful.


he is a very nice man.

his staff is wonderful.
I only met everyone once so far will keep you posted.


Dr Goodman is the best!!!!!! My first impression was absolutely favorable. I had posted a query onto his site and recieved a phone call back that very afternoon! Before I even made an appointment, the office sent me a packet of information about the procedure. My first appointment was for 7pm. After viewing all of the videos and writing all of my questions, Dr Goodman sat with me until nearly 9:30pm!!!!! I was so impressed.

His office staff is wonderful. Linda went through all of the insurance hassles with me one step at a time. I swear, if it wasn't for her, I doubt I'd have been approved.

Dr Goodman has a support group that meets once a month. I had just gotten home from surgery for the last one. I can't wait to attend this month's.

The entire group has been wonderful. Any time that I have had to call, I have been answered with professionalism and promptness.

The only caveat that I would let new patients be aware of is this: Dr Goodman is very popular and can be tough to schedule. However, this is proof that others find him as awesome as I do.

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