Dennis C. Smith, Jr.

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.36363636364 out of 5 with 156 ratings

Dennis C. Smith, Jr. Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

23 yr Experience

19 yr in Bariatrics

26 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

156 Reviews for Dennis C. Smith, Jr.
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Dr Smith is a very conscientious, caring and capable surgeon. I am an RN at the same hospital, and I have have had the opportunuty to take care of both his trauma and WLS patients. They all seem to do very well, low rate of complications, and very low rate of infections. Among nurses there is a kind of rating systems about the docs, from "hell no, not with a ten foot pole and my mother-in-law's body" to "I would definatly send anyone to him/her, no question". Dr. Smith enjoys a reputation as a positive, "no question" kind of Doc.

The office staff seems to me to be doing ok, I didn't notice any unusual tormoil or chaos, though it does sometimes take a while to communicate.

I feel confident in my choice of Dr. Smith, and his staff, both as an RN, and a patient!


Had consult on 2-8-01 for the DS but was not approved after appeals. Started getting the ball rolling for the RNY with Dr. Smith in July, '01.
I have decided to go with Dr. Smith after all. I want the security of knowing I'm in competent hands. I'll update once I hear from the office as to my upcoming surgery!
Nov. '01: Pre op visit and hospital pre admission appointments will be in December, with surgery scheduled for January 2nd, 2002.


I have not met him yet but I have heard all good things. I met Dr. Smith On 09/21/01 that is a date I'll remember for years to come my first impression was everything I thought it would be he is a very caring and supportinve doctor. He is very straight forward and honest with his answers to your questions. He makes sure that everyone's questions has been answered thuroughly and that you understand what you're getting into. He explains the pro's and con's of the surgery. When I was having my one on one consult with him he basically assured me with medicaid I'll get approved.


Dr. Smith was very thorough and very clear in
his explanations of the different types of gastric bypass surgery. Professional and "caring".

It has not changed

Helpful and professional

Charges for surgery :)

Everything we've heard about him has been good.

Very heavy emphasis


Thoroughly, including most all possible complications.


Both great.


2/26/01 - I had my first consultation with Dr. Smith today. He seemed to be very intelligent, kind and straightforward. His presentation was quite long and informative. Sadly, it leaned heavily towards the Duodenal switch, which, he advised me might not be the best operation in my circumstances. He said that the laparoscopic RNY would be better for me. I am confused, and I wish I hadn't seen the presentation first because now I feel like I'm getting second best, whereas if had discussed my case with me first and explained which one was better for me and why, I would have been content. The office staff were pleasant, but disorganized.

4/15/01 - It took two months for Dr. Smith to do the LMN, and on Friday I heard back form Aetna (my secondary ins) that I have approval, I am still waiting for Guardian. Coty, Dr. Smith's assistant says I will have to wait until Aug or Sept for surgery.

5/22/01 - Coty finally called today to say that I had approval from Guardian (surprise, surpise!). She is now telling me that I wll have to wait until NOVEMBER at the earliest for surgery! When I went to my fist appointment I was told late spring/early summer, then last month I was told Aug or Sept, now it looks like I will have to wait a full NINE months for surgery. They have provided no explanation for this unbelievable delay.

6/11/01 - I e-mailed Dr. Smith a couple of weeks ago and he sent a nice reply, explaining the reasons for the delays (it was great that he made the effort - I know he is very busy). Last Friday I heard from Coty and it looks like September for my surgery. I am very excited and I will be so relieved to get an actual date! Let's keep our fingers crossed.

8/30/01 - I had my surgery 10 days ago, and I am doing very well! I had laparascopic surgery and Dr. Smith was wonderful. He doesn't talk very much, but he definitely does a good job and is very dedicated. His wife had just given birth the weekend before my surgery, but he did not cancel any cases (for which i am very thankful) - nad he says he did not upset his wife either :-). My laparscopy wounds are tiny and are healing up very well. I am still pretty tender inside, but I am happy as can be.


First impression-caring and competent man.
My impression didn't change, he is still the same.
His office staff could use some professional help in getting organized.
What I like least is the amount of time I have to wait to see Dr.Smith. Last time, I sat in his waiting room for 1 1/2 hours.
Future patients of Dr.Smith should know that he is an excellent surgeon and caregiver, and he will answer any and all of your questions and concerns.
He emphasizes aftercare strongly. He wants to SEE his patients himself and make sure that they are doing well..:)
The aftercare is not too strict, but the doctor does give you certain peramaters to stay within.
He addressed the surgical risks thouroughly.
I would rate him a 9 out of 10 overall.
Surgical competence is the stronger of the two traits in Dr. Smith.


He's very busy, but I was patient in waiting. It took 3 months from first apt.

It's all rolling along now; tests, etc.


I have not spoken with Dr. Smith yet. I'm calling in tomorrow ( 8/1/2001) to set up my first appointment.
The office staff has been very kind to me and I'm looking forward to meeting them.


I was totally impressed//very professional and knowledgeable.

Office staff are very busy but usually return calls in a reasonable amount of time.

Dr. Smith seems to be very conservative and wants to make sure that everything is checked before surgery.

Aftercare is emphasized but he is just getting it started.

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