David Flum Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.
10 yr Experience
7 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
50% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 60

10 yr Experience
7 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
50% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 60

I first met Dr. Flum 1 year ago. I am now 6 months post op. When we first met we talked for about an hour about the surgry and why I wanted it. He asked me if I had any questions. I told him just one and it was a personal question. I asked him if he believed in God. His answer was yes and I found a great respect for him that day. I just saw Dr. Flum last week. He is very pleased with my progress. He is a very encouraging man and he makes me feel good about myself, but he doesn't soft peddle anything. He told me that he wanted me to exercise 7 days a week. If I missed one day one week I had to exercise 8 the next week. I highly recommend Dr. Flum. He saved my life!!!
I am now 6 year out from surgry, I see doctor Flum once a year now. He is still very much involved in my case. I send him Channukah cards, and sometime he has my dietician call just to see how I am doing. I know that if I ever have a problem or a question I can call and leave a message for him and he will call me back. I highly recommend him. He works at the University Of Washington Medical Center, in the surgical speciaialties department. Tell him Alicia sent you :)

First impression was great and he came highly recomended. Still think he's good surgeon. I'll be able to let you know better after my 6wk on 6/3/09. His staff has never been anything but thorough, kind, and knowledgeable. Short fuse? If you don't follow his instructions. I think he was too impatient with me at my 2 week post-op visit. I was feeling pretty sick physically and mentally. He's skilled. Aftercare is important for success of surgery. The UW Med. Center has a very structured program with Drs.,social workers, dietician, nurse on call etc. Honestly addressed risks from the very first meeting. Gave written material on risks and statistics. I rate him and the UW and staff overall a 10. Both but definitely surgical competence is more so.

I found him to be friendly, patient, kindrnprofessional, informative. Hasn't change how I think of him, staff wonderful. They will be getting a caring staff, who really care about you as a person from the minute you walk up to the front desk. The aftercare from reading my notebook is excellent, the risks of surgery was well addressed and all questions answered honestly. I would rate my doctor a 10 so far. For me both, I 'm humane and want to be treated with respect and dignity,and competence is a must !

What can I say? Dr. Flum is the best! We met a few months back for my first consultation and trust me, that was an eye opener! He is VERY straight forward and holds nothing back. There is no candy coating with this man! And I appreciated that, I needed to come back down to reality! He also stressed the importance of being prepared. He only wants the best for his patients, the best meaning absolute success. Our second consult was much more relaxed. I had made the necessary changes in my life and he was very happy with the changes! I saw a side of him, that before, I did not see. He is so caring! Him and his staff are very helpful and professional, not to meantion personable. I can't wait till my surgery. I have all faith in Dr. Flum and his team!

Other nurses from other places gave my a good impression before I met him. My first impression I thought he was serious, and hard hitting. But it made me be very real with the dangers I was about to ask for. Now I think he is a pussey cat, I have a great relationship with him, I joke with him and I can see the light in his eyes. Staff is very professional and timley.Jenn Rocks ! She did a great job for my in sceduling pre-apts and seminar. He was a little scarey at first, and I didn't know if he would even do it. I think this is clear for futer patients. You must convince him, after you convince yourself. Yes very structured aftercare with much more practical regular living then other places.Risks VERY BLUNTLY! A Big 9. 9 only because I would have perfered to see more of him while in the hospital after surgurey then a team of ........soooo many fACES EVERYBODY TACKING CARE OF OTHER ISSUES. TRUST HIM MORE.SURGICAL SKILL, WE GOTTA LIVE THROUGH IT . !

He is very professional, he took the time to make sure that I understood all the things that could go wrong with this type of surgery so that I was making an informed decision.
He has been a constant cheerleader for my success. He encourages me to exercise more and to use the services of the people in the clinic.
The staff is great and they really seem to care about my success and how I am doing. I met with the dietitian and social worker today. I will be going in to see them every Wednesday for the next few weeks for support and education.
Sometimes he makes me feel like what I am feeling is in my head and that I am only making excuses not to exercise.
If you do what he tells you, you will lose weight. He is very informed and makes sure you understand everything that is going to happen before, during, and after surgery.
He thinks that a person shouldn't have to go through this process alone. In fact he wanted me to bring someone with me to my appointment before surgery so that he could be sure that I had the support of the people in my life.
He has been instrumental in the UWMC developing a support group that will start meeting monthly at the surgical center. The social worker associated with the center told me about the group starting in March. There is also a dietitian who I can call whenever I have a question about nutrition.
As I mentioned above he went into all the possible risks of surgery in our initial meeting. He wanted to make sure I understood the risks and was making an informed decision to have the surgery.
On a scale of 1-10, he is a 10. For the most part he has been exceptional. I would highly recommend him to anyone in the area that is looking to have this surgery.
Even with the two infections in the incision and the long healing time I would do it all over again with him as my doctor because of the support and encouragement I receive from him and his support staff at the Univeristy of Washington Medical Center Specialty Surgery Clinic.

9/19/03 Dr Oelschlager is not doing the surgery. But <b><font color="red">DR. David Flum <font color="purple"></b>, who is also a surgeon at UW Hospital will be my Doctor. I met him today. He seems to be a very straightforward person. Answered my questions and took the time to discuss problems that might come up because of surgery. Everyone in the office has been very helpfull and I will update this as I go through the steps.