David Edelman Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

I have complete confidence in Dr. Edleman and he is a fine surgeon in bothmannerism and skill. My first impression of Dr. Edleman was that he had much compassion for my situation and put his heart and soul as well as his high expertise into helping his patients. He is truly one of a kind! As well as an asset to medical technology.

Dr. Edelman impressed me as extremely intelligent; very professional in his demeanor; genuinely interested in his patients as well as his work; unpretentious, straight-foward and very clear as well as honest in his communications regarding surgical options, outcomes, complications, etc.
His staff has been equally professional and helpful as well as good natured and patient.
I have researched his reputation for surgical competence (as have many of my seven siblings which include a couple of lawyers) and he comes out smelling like a rose. His bedside manner? He just comes across as a good human being who just happens to have a lot of talent.
I have no negative comments at this time. Hopefully he is as good tomorrow as he has been so far. Sorry if this has been too positive to be helpful but....

I had a very good first impression of my surgeon, he seemed compassionate and not judgmental about my weight problem and while he was very informative, I did not feel as though he was trying to talk me into the surgery. My first impression did not change over time.
His office staff was very helpful his assistant, Carmella, went to bat for me when the paperwork needed for insurance approval was unnecessarily delayed by another physician's office. With her help I was able to have the surgery scheduled first and then received the insurance approval shortly thereafter.
I do not think there is a great emphasis on aftercare by this office since Dr. Edelman recomends that each patient continue with nutritional and and pschological help from an individual with whom they are comfortable.
Dr. Edelman adequately addressed the risks of the surgery and overall I felt he is a very talented surgeon with an excellent bedside manner.
Since this is a very new form of WLS, there are some office details, handouts and information given to patients and discharge instructions which I sure will be improved in the future. My biggest gripe though, was with Baptist Hospital. While this staff was mostly wonderful, they somehow could not come up with a large size gown to on the day of my surgery. This made trying to move around the room and sit up in chairs during the first 24 hours following surgery more uncomfortable than necessary. Also, the a/c did not work in our room -or for that matter the whole hall and only after several hours of wrangling a wonderful technician brought a portable cooler to my room.

I instantly felt very comfortable with Dr.Eldleman. He answered all of my questions and put me at ease.
His office staff was excellent. They were very educated on the procedure and willing to answer any questions I had.
At this point in my journey I have only experienced good things about Dr. Edleman.
Dr. Edleman shared with me the risks of the surgery, and assured me that he would do everything to assure a smooth procedure.
I would rate Dr. Edleman an excellent for his bed side manner and also for his admiration as a surgeon.
I have only heard about his surguries because I have not have mine done yet, but I have only heard excellent reviews.

Dr. Edelman appeared very competent.
Still the same.
Staff is very competent and helpful, especially Carmela.
He is very busy with a lot of patients and could have explained more to me about aftercare and diet, etc. I would also like to know if I would have trouble taking my medication, etc. after the surgery.
He has an excellent reputation.
I haven't gone over aftercare with him at all yet. The ins. co. still hasn't approved the surgery. He did tell me to call a dietician and gave me her ph. no.
At this point, Very Good.
I like surgical competence better or both..