Daniel Smith Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
16 yr Experience
21 yr in Bariatrics
16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 78

16 yr Experience
21 yr in Bariatrics
16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 78

First Impression, From the first time I met Dr Smith to the last, my impression never changed. He was excellent in everyway.
His whole team was marvelous. I felt well taken care. Very friendly and caring staff.
I can't think of one thing that I didn't like, Possible that they were hard to reach after hours.
Future patients should feel secure that they wil be taken care of.
They have a whole team working on aftercare.. they emphasize strongly the importance of being apart of there structured aftercare program.
He was very direct, not only on the risks of surgery, but also the risks of my current health without the surgery.
I was a Diebetic, and had high blood pressure, hideal hernia, and Gallstones. Since my surgery I have been medication FREE......
I would rate him and his staff: EXCELLENT
Bedside manner and Surgical competence I give a EXCELLENT RATING....

Dr Smith did a tubal ligation on me several years ago. He is quiet and takes the time to answer any question you might have. He has also begun to dedicate a LOT of time to this surgery and has recieved speical training. He is in the process of developing a complete program for before, during and after. His office staff is wonderful. Their loyalty to Dr. Smith is obvious and they are very informed and able to answer most questions.
There really isn't anything I don't like about him. I have total trust in him and his ability.
He is a quiet man, very caring and careful. He is easy to talk to once you get him talking.
He definately encourages aftercare. The total program is still being developed and will include a support group meeting twice monthly, a dietician both before and after surgery and a social worker before and after.
He was completly informative of the risks. He spoke in a manner that is understandable and made sure that I was comfortable with this risks.
Overall, I rate him very highly. I am also an RN and have worked with his patients in home care settings. So, I've worked with him both as a patient and as a professional.
As I mentioned, he is a quiet man. Some people think of this as stand-offish, but that is totally wrong. If you have a question, he makes sure you get the answer. He follows his patients very closely with the assistance of his staff. I think he is totally awesome.

I have only met Dr. Smith once but he seemed very friendly and knowledgable. He was somewhat rushed but he did take the time to answer all of my questions. His staff are all very friendly and helpfull. One thing to note: When you go in to see the Nutritionist make sure you plan to be there for awhile. They meet in a group setting that goes for about two hours and then you meet briefly with a Counselor after that. I also had an appointment to met with Dr. Smith following my meeting with the Nutritionist but he was delayed in surgery and so I had to wait a very long time. All in all I was there for five hours before I was finished that day. I'm sure this is the exception more than it is the rule, however I was not prepared ahead of time for how much time this may actually take. I did learn some very good things from the group meeting, so I'm not regretting it at all. I was given a copy of Barbara Thompson's book about WLS which I was happy about because I had been wanting to read that one anyway. I was also given a very informative booklet, by the Nutritionist covering topics dealing with before, during, and after the surgey. I have heard wonderfull things about Dr. Smith and while waiting for him to come out of surgery, I happened to get the opportunity to speak with a fellow WLS patient of his that was 4 weeks post-op and doing great.

My first impression was that of a gentle very concerned doctor; He spoke in low tones and seemed to really listen when I asked questions back. His main concern was my health. I didn't not like anything about him. He believe's aftercare is very important; He's requested that I attend a once a month support group that his weightloss program provides as part of the surgery. He address everything very clearly; upon my calling for my first appt. I was sent a soft-covered book about wls to read; plus, upon the meeting with the dietian and the social worker I was given a through package of info about the surgery, food program I would be on week by week for the first year and some info on changing lifestyle. I've heard only good things about Dr. Smith's competence, bedside manner and his sugical team. My surgery date is August 20th. today's date is August 3rd.