Carlos Juarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 25 ratings

Carlos Juarez Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

4 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 21

Max Age of Patient is 70

  • About Me
    Carlos M. Juarez, M.D., F.A.C.S. received his medical degree from the University of California at San Francisco in 1990 and completed his surgical training at the UCSF surgical program in Fresno, CA, in 1995. An early adaptor of minimally invasive laparoscopic approaches to surgery; Dr. Juarez has been performing minimally invasive sugery as a partner with Surgical Associates of Fresno Medical Clinic, Inc., since 1996. This vast laparoscopic experience culminated in his founding California Bariatrics in 2004; and performs laparoscopic gastric bypases, lap bands, and laparoscopic sleeve gatrectomies. Dr. Juarez currently serves as the director of Bariatric surgery at Clovis Community Medical Center.
  • Latest Reviews See all 25 reviews
    avatar jodie1978 on Nov. 23, 2009

    I decided to ask for a reffurl the end of sept. and Dr. Jaurez office recived it the first week of OCT. and i finished everything need and required in Nov. I have surgery Dec. 2. It has taken me 8 weeks start to finish More...

    avatar kenneth630 on Dec. 9, 2008

    I had my first appointment with Dr.Juarez 2 weeks ago. First impression was great. I went in feeling a lil scared but after talking to him and learning of how many surgeries hes done made me feal really safe. His office staf is GREAT More...

    avatar Christina Mosana on July 24, 2008

    haven't had my frist appointment yet. Just received my information packet. His office staff had been very nice and helpful

  • Location
    Fresno, CA 93710
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