Bradley J. Needleman

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 144 ratings

Bradley J. Needleman Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

5 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

9 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

85% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

144 Reviews for Bradley J. Needleman
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dr. needleman was wonderful....he was very personable, and easy to talk to...answered all questions i had, and basically explained everything to the point there was nothing left to ask...he even drew pictures for me explaining step by step what he would be doing....i think his surgical competence and bedside manner are both great....he also did advise me, if i had any problems to please call him immediately, instead of asking other people first....other than that, my visit was wonderful.


Haven't met him yet. He is considered THE DUDE for lap rny in the city. His staff is awesome, esp. Bobbie-what a patient, wonderful woman! Aftercare is a priority, and precare is very structured, but geared toward your long-term success. I'll let you know more when i meet him.
6/14--Met Dr. Needleman today--what a guy!!! I am very particular about my health care, and was ready with a whole page of questions. But when he was finished with his explanation of the procedure,etc, I had ZERO questions left to ask!!! I am very comfortable having him perform my surgery--no worries at all!!!!


Dr. Needleman is a very kind man. During this journey he has seen me at odd times - worked me in between surgeries, and is very insistant that I phone him if there are any problems.

Therein lies the problem. To get to him you must go through about 7 layers of secretaries, nurses, etc. His nurse, Lynn, is very prompt at returning phone calls, and will fax test results to you if you ask. I've learned to keep copies of EVERYTHING.

Aftercare for long-term post-ops is non-existant at OSU. This is a big problem for me.

I rate Dr. Needleman very highly in competence AND bedside manner. I think I have had good luck with him because I am well-informed and can ask the right questions.

My hospital experience wasn't wonderful, however. Somebody forgot to hook up a "pump" when I came out of surgery, so when the nasty male nurse, Chris, yelled at me "USE YOUR PUMP!!" a couple hours out of surgery, I somehow found the wherewithall to yell back at him "I DON'T HAVE A #@#DAMN PUMP!" I got a pump about 3 hours later....


I have not seen him yet, but hope to soon! He has come highly recommended from several individuals.


Dr. Needleman is quite impressive. He obviously knows his stuff and is very forthcoming with information regarding the procedure and risks. He was very open to ALL of my questions, never rushing me, which inspired a lot of trust. Great sense of humor and a willingness to *hear* what I was saying, not just listen. He asked me about my reasons for having the surgery as well as behavioral changes I have been making. He really cares as much about your before and after care as he does the surgery itself. He seems to have a pretty structured after care schedule of follow-up appointments and was willing to give me the name of colleagues in Cincinnati, in the event I have a problem and can't get back to Columbus quickly enough. Overall, I am completely confident in his surgical abilities and I am at peace with my decision to have him perform my surgery.


Dr Needleman was great, Very informative he explained everything to me before I could get to the qestion I had. He performed my surgery Perfectly.. I had no leaks altho my Resident thought I did... But I did get a wound infection while in the hospital.
When ever I call Dr Needlemans staff I always get an answer back...My Only complait isn't really a complaint but I would have liked to see More of Dr Needleman I know he is very busy and his residents are very capable.He is very very involved with after care he wants to know what is going on even if you think it is minor.. He is a very caring Dr.


He seemed very knowledgable. He gave a lecture at Ohio State University on Gastric Bypass. No my impression is still the same. One of his staff members had had the surgery. Everyonw was helpful and nice. There was nothing I didliked about him. My surgery went well, so I think he is a good surgeon. OSU makes you go through classes that set you up for aftercare. He was very open and honest about the risks of surgery. He was a very good surgeon. Both. No.


November 1,2001 I haven't met Dr. Needleman yet, but I hope to very soon now!
2/19/02 Today was my appointment with Dr. Needleman. I was very impressed that he took his time with me and was very thorough in explaining the surgery to me. I had 2 pages of questions to ask him, but he had already answered most of them by the time he asked me if I had any questions. He was very self-confident about his abilities. That makes me feel safe that I chose him to be my surgeon. He is director of the Bariatric Surgical program at OSU Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. He is going to try his best to perform lap RNY-distal surgery on me, but was very careful to tell me that if he encountered any difficulties, that he would convert to open. He said that he wants to do a good job for me and that my safety is of the utmost importance to him. He has a structured aftercare program and also group support meetings. I really like him and feel that I chose the right man for the job!


he is one of the sweetest dr's i've ever met. very caring and he answered every question that i had. he is good in after care too. my checkups are good and he wants to know about everything , i really reckamend him for this surgery


I expect to have a surgeon assigned through the OSU Comprehensive Weight Loss Program, but Appt. 3 of 4 has yet to take place. Dietitian Nancy Weese has been very supportive and full of good ideas about what to expect post-op.

I have a first appointment scheduled with Dr. Needleman on 8/15. [7/22/01]

Still waiting to see Dr. Needleman. [7/27/01]

Met Dr. N for the 1st time. Was very impressed. He is knowledgeable, compassionate, understanding, patient, and funny. He comes from my original hometown! The office staff is a little harried because Dr. N is VERY busy (he also does general surgery, not just bariatric), but they all seem to be empathetic and courteous. [8/15/01]

Went to 1st Dr. N Support Group meeting on 9/5. So many of us trusting in him and his staff! First impression seems to be proving true -

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