Aurora Pryor

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 41 ratings

Aurora Pryor Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

12 yr Experience

14 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

41 Reviews for Aurora Pryor
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I liked Dr. Pryor when I first met her at the seminar sponsored by the Duke WLS practice. She a very nice smile and made me feel comfortable. When I met her for our pre-op I felt she was a little stiff but then I was about 15 minutes late due to construction in the area. She probably had more patients to see that day than me. When she stopped by to see me just before surgery she was smiling again and very upbeat. She was this way each time she stopped by to see me during my hosptial stay.

The staff at Duke WLS are exceptional. They are a very caring staff for each and all of their employees.

Duke WLS have a very structured post-op care program. At 3 weeks post-op you meet with the surgeon, then have a 1 hour group session with each the physcologist and nutritionalist. Then we have another appointment at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year. Plus, we are instructed to call them whenever we feel the need. They are there for us.

During both the seminar and the pre-op session surgical risks both during and after are thoroughly addressed with time for us to ask questions. But the session was so thorough that there were not many questions during pre-op.

I think Dr. Pryor (and Dr. Fescher who assisted) are both extremely competent and great doctors. I would recommend either of them to any one.

I think that surgical competence is better, but in order to make the patient more at ease a doctor has to have a great bedside manner.


Dr. Pryor seemed young. One of the first things I asked her was how many surgeries had she performed. She assured me she was well qualified. Dr. Pryor seemed competent and well informed about the surgeries and my impression has not changed over time. The staff at Duke has always been very helpful and knowledgeable. The aftercare program at Duke is very thorough as is the preoperative care. I feel very lucky to have gone through this system. After much research, I am not sure I would have chosen any other group that did not have the same type of program. The structured aftercare program consists of a 3 week, 3 month, 6 month and yearly followup appointments. They of course, offer other appointments if needed. At each of these appointments you meet with a doctor or PA, a nutrionalist, and a psychologist in a group session that is very theraputic and helpful. The risk of the surgery is very well stated in several forms that you are required to read and sign off on. The physcian will also speak to you about the risks and complications. Overall I can not say enough good things about the surgeons at Duke. I felt comepletely at ease with the entire program. The Hospital stay could have been better. I would advise anyone having the surgery anywhere that someone stay with them overnight and throughout the day(s) while you are in the hospital. The nurses can not or will not help you with getting up and down and it is so important to begin walking as soon as possible. The day that you begin taking in fluids is a busy day for you and it helps to have support of family or friend to lend you a hand. Of course these are just my personal feelings about the situation. I have heard many others comment that they stayed alone and did just fine.


She was very nice, didn't treat you like a second-class citizen. Office staff has been great. The seminars they request for you to attend are very informative. I suggest going to several support groups so you can get to know some of their staff and some of their other patients.


I was a little apprehensive about Dr. Pryor when I first met her, as I had hoped to have Dr. Grant as a surgeon (an older, more experienced physician at Duke). These concerns were immediately alleviated when I met her at my preop. Her professionalism and concern about my care was incredible. Once in the OR, I continued to be amazed by her calmness and eventempered manner. After the surgery, I was taken aback by the lack of pain I had. The pain meds were available but completely unnecessary after the first day. The aftercare program at Duke is first rate and was something that gave me a great deal of confidence in their program.


Nice, Helpful, she knew what she was talking about.
stayed the same
She is great
for years
Just layed out the risks
both great


Dr. Pryor is very engaging and pleasant from your first impression. But after talking at length with her and meeting with her, she is just so informative and down to earth she is more like a friend from college than my doctor. I was very impressed. She was to the point, blunt and has a good sense of humor. I love that in a health care professional!! My surgery went beautifully. She did GREAT work on my belly! Scars are almost completely gone only 6 weeks after surgery!
Duke WLS are very staunch about aftercare including regular return visits and psychiatric care. I think that is why they have such great success.
5 STARS ***** Dr. Pryor. Thanks for my new life!!


Dr. Pryor is very informative and personable. She made me feel no question was a waste of her time. After the surgery I did have something going on. It wasn't surgery related though, none the less Dr. Pryor was right on top of it and I was really impressed!. The staff was very congenial.Never lacking for a smile or a kind word, effecient in their task as well.Laughing....When I think back I remembersaying to myself she sure looks young :0). I believe future Patients should know the years of knowledge that are backed by all the surgeons that represent Duke WLS. The after care was just as it should have been. I called and the responce was just a few hours later. The information booklet we recieved covered everything about home care and possable problems that could occure.Duke WLS has an excelent after care program. I just had my 6 month checkup which includes a conceling visit too.The risks of surgery were covered in the mandatory first seminar meeting. You also meet the surgeons at this time.overall I would rate Dr. Pryor and the rest of the surgeons as well educated, experienced surgeons in the field of WLS. I really have to say both were above my expectations.


She was a wonderful surgeon. She has an excellent bed side manner and is very thorough. I was very blessed to have her. She explained everything very well and made sure I was comfortable. I can't stress enough how great she is!


Dr. Pryor has been absolutely awesome. She is always warm and friendly and very detailed in everything she says and does. My family was very impressed with her while they were here for my surgery and looked forward to speaking with her each time.


I have my first pre op appointment with her on Jan 28, 2004. I did meet her at the seminar and I was very impressed with her. She was very knowledgeable about the surgery and I am not at all worried about her as my surgeon.

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