Anita Courcoulas

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 117 ratings

Anita Courcoulas Bariatric Surgeon M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.

11 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

8 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 14

Max Age of Patient is 70

Giselle Hamad Profile Pic
Giselle Hamad
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Ramesh C. Ramanathan Profile Pic
Ramesh C. Ramanathan
M.D., F.R.C.S.
Bestoun Ahmed Profile Pic
Bestoun Ahmed
Bariatric Surgeon

117 Reviews for Anita Courcoulas
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Dr Courcoulas was very professional and very nice. She treated me with respect and took time to talk with me before and after surgery.


Dr. Anita Courcoulas, was an angel sent from the heavens. My first impression of her, she opened the door with a smile and introduced herself, a very soft-spoken, warm-heartedness filled the air. She explained both procedures to me, GBS and LBS. I made my decision for GBS. We went over the risks of the surgery and she answered my questions. It was the first time in my life I was in a doctor's office and didn't feel scorned for what the scale was tipping to. rnHer office staff was just like her, extremely nice, well-organized, and they truly care about you. rnI went into the pre-op room for surgery on September 3rd. I wasn't even nervous. I was so confident in her and her surgical team. I was so armed with all the knowledge of the procedures that I didn't feel the need to be scared or nervous.rnHer surgical competence and bedside manner were both great! Not to mention, she kept my parents very informed during the procedure, which was very important to me. She came in the day after surgery, between her surgeries to check up on how I was and introduced me to her colleague that will be helping her that particular week. She took a moment to speak with me and to tell me how well surgery went and she wanted to see how I was feeling and if I had any questions yet. rnI can truly say, I have nothing bad to say about Dr.Courcoulas and her team. It was a dream.


Dr. Courcoulas is very genuine. I had stayed away from doctor's in my life because they can be so condescending, but she is very caring and attentive. Both she and her office worked very hard to help me, and have been exceptionally patient. Sometimes it is hard to get an appointment, and sometimes its hard to get in contact with people in the office, but she is the director. I wouldn't change my decision at all. She's a godsend!


my first impression was wonderful and trusted her immediately. i go strong on first impressions so she must of been good. she knew i was desparately in need of getting it done asap because of personal things in my life and she did everything she could to push the surgery to an earlier date than first planned and she did too. she got me in about 30 days before oringinal date. i felt very comortable with her and was able to be open and honest with all the things we talked about. so 5 years later i need to desparatly get in touch with her and talk to her about some personal medical issues surrounding the surgery so i cant wait to see if she is as geniunely caring enough to get in touch with me as fast and easy as then. i do beleive if anyone is planning to have this surgery she is the one who should do it , i dont know if i would of really ended up going thru it if it werent for the caring person she portrayed and if she hadnt made me feel as comfortable about putting my total trust in her.


so far i have only met dr courcoulas once. but from that i thought she was an excellent person and i thought i had found a good surgeon to do my procedure!


I met Dr. Corcoulas while I was pregnant with my daughter. I developed a gallstone issue that was causing me a lot of pain. I had already lost 4 babies to early miscarriages and when I was told they wanted to operate I just wasn't prepared to risk the life of my baby girl. Dr. Courcoulas was VERY empathetic and agreed to work with me and take my gallbladder out AFTER I had my daughter... which she did do in January of 2007. Choosing her to be my surgeon for my Gastric Bypass was a no brainer. I have not had the surgery yet but I don't expect anything to change as far as my opinion of her, her bedside manner, and her skill is concerned... but I will let you all know after I have the surgery. I meet with her for the GBS for the first time on June 23rd 2008. Wish me luck! I really do NOT have anything bad to say about her or her personal staff... and i don't anticipate that changing either.


So far my experience with Dr Courcoulas has been great. I found her to be very personable and upfront with information. I also chose her because she was the director of the program. Why not go to the top? That was my opinion. However in going through the process (I have completed my six months of weight management) I have found that her office is VERY busy and many times I feel more like a number than a person. Never by her personally but more from staff. I considered changing due to this but honestly felt that I was in the best hands and I would overlook the staff to get the care that I believe Dr. Courcoulas will provide.


Dr. C was awesome. She spent time with me before I even made a decision and after surgery when I was at home she was easily accessible to me!rnrnI miss her very much since I moved to Vegas. Her staff was excellent and very helpful. If they saw me in the hospital they would stop and say hello and check to see how I was.rnrnThe aftercare program at Magee-Womens Hospital is awesome!! They want to see you every month and will help to keep you on the program.rnrnShe is a 10!! She is probably one of the best surgeons in the US. She gave me all the risks straight out and really emphasized my aftercare.rnrnI had no complaints with the program nor my surgeon.


I \"met\" Dr. Courcoulas during the informational seminar for WLS. In the months that followed, I learned that she would be performing my surgery since she specializes in High Risk patients. I have not met her quite yet, but will update this with my first impressions when I have.


I have only met my surgen once so there isn't to much I know about her yet. On my first visit she seemed to be really nice and was very easy to understand about the proceidures that I still have to go through.rn

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