Andrew Duffy Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
9 yr Experience
12 yr in Bariatrics
12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
50% Practice is Bariatrics

9 yr Experience
12 yr in Bariatrics
12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
50% Practice is Bariatrics

He is a wonderfull surgeon and person. rnrnI was very scared when I was brough into surgery. They were getting me ready and fussing with me making sure I was totally comfortable and I was crying. He noticed and stood by me rubbing my arm. This is the last thing I remember before going under. It was and is a wonderfull memory of your doctor caring so much.rnrnHe was very thourough and I know that this may sound funny but we both have not only the same birth date but also birth year. It was a sign. And everything went well.

I first met Dr. Duffy at an informational class held for people who were interested in surgery. Most of my questions were answered during this session. I even got to see a video with Dr. Bell. Dr. Duffy seemed confident, funny, supportive, direct, and really stressed that this is just a tool. He drew a diagram of what the surgery actually entails and went in depth about what vitamins would be needed post surgery and explained why our bodies cant make them anymore. At the class/session, we were all given packets with all the information we needed and any questions were answered on the spot. The next time I met the doc, was at my consultation a week and a half before my surgery date. He measured up to my past judgements. I really find this doc to have a personality. Its nice to communicate with a real person and not a medical machine. I had some questions I was embarassed to ask and Dr. Duffy answered my questions, putting me at ease and using humor.Dr. Duffy does not operate on patients who smoke. This was really stressed by him but he seemed to understand my fear of not wearing the patch and ok'd me to wear it until 3 days before surgery. All my questions were answered and I had my physical exam which was very comfortable. I was given another packet at the session. The nurse, (think) went through the packet with me and added somethings and again answered my questions.This one gave info on the hospital stay, my 2 week menu including my vitamins, tips for the hosptial stay,and more information on what the surgery entails. All the information given to me at the office was always very thorough. The staff is nice tho dont seemed as organized as one might like. Liz is very nice and the nurse is a former patient. ( I believe she is an doc assistant?? I'm not sure of the medical term and I can never remember her name even tho she is really kind and informative)I feel that one of the staff members has an issue with me but don't feel it's nice to say more than that. Over all the staff and the Drs give an aire of being real people. I'm happy to be working with them.

I went to the information session for Dr. Bell and his group. The meeting was started by Dr. Duffy. He seemed very knowledgable. I had always thought that Dr. Bell would be doing it but at the end of the session they asked if we had a preference of doctor and I honestly didn't. I would have been very comfortable with either of them. He is very reassuring. The whole office staff has been nothing but wonderful and very well informed about all of this stuff. I would HIGHLY recommend either of the doctors in the practice and couldn't be happier about my choice of groups and getting Dr.Duffy. Since having the surgery, I feel even better about Dr. Duffy. I would recommend him to ANYONE considering the surgery. Not one complication. His bedside manner is above par and I cannot say enough good about him.