Carlos Galvani MD Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
10 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65
Adjustable Gastric Band
10 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65
Adjustable Gastric Band
Dr. Galvani is a very professional man he likes his patients to do what he needs them to do in the amount of time given When he deals with his patients he also has all of his staff working with you from the time you enter his office until it is time for the surgery, He likes things done a certain way and expects those orders to be carried out that is why he is as good as he is. he very well disciplined. As you got to know him he is a doctor that cares deeply for his patients and explains everything to you in detail and answers all question. His staff is very professionial and is also very nice and caring about all of the situation that you will expect. He emphasizes is on the life changing aspect of the biatric surgery this is not a quick fix and you will have to teach your self how to eat and learn proper nutrition. The aftercare is all planned out for you weeks before surgery so you no what is expected of you. He has a video also that you watch that tells you the good points of the surgery you have chosen and also the bad things that could happen if not not do what is told of you after and what could happen while in surgery it really does make you think. his surgical competence is outstandind i didnt have him fix me because of his personality or his bedside manner but he is to the point and i like a person or doctor like that.
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Dr. Galvani is the bomb with beautiful gray eyes. He comes to my hospital from Columbia by way of Chicago. He was a bit difficult to understand at first until you get used to his thick accent, but he doesn't remind repeating himself or saying something with different phrasing. His initial information session proved to me he knew what he was talking about and that he could carry an audience. If he can command an audience, he could command an operating room.
I met him and his office staff when they were new to my hospital (mine meaning I work there). The hospital had changed around the requirements for bariatric surgery when he came along so they could build their own program rather than giving the money to the hospital across town, so I went in with a not so great attitude. I felt like I'd already been messed with because I was accepted in the other program, no problems. So because of all this, it put me behind in my own schedule by a year and a half. I really wanted to have this done by my 50th birthday and as we all know, the decision for surgical intervention is not taken lightly. BUT...I will say in retrospect, and I believe this firmly, is that everything happens for a reason, and perhaps I needed that year and a half to get my butt in gear for the life-changing challenges that all this entails. It also gave Dr. Galvani and his office and all the ancillary departments a chance to get their acts together. Dietary, social services, the Wellness Center (the hospital gym), Human Resources, and the other behind the scene departments I'm not even aware of. I wouldn't have said that a week ago, but I will say it today.
His Bariatric Nurse Manager, Barb Fleshman, is top notch, man. She, too, is the bomb. She is the oil that greases the wheel. She is so perfect for that job and seems to enjoy it as well. She has had a lap band in the past so is very versed in what's going on personally as well as professionally.
I think their emphasis right now is before care. They want you to get into good habits before taking the proverbial leap. The recommend many things afterwards, like the support groups and continuing to exercise and so on and so forth, but I don't think they feel like they can require it since you've already had the surgery. I can require it for myself though. I'm come this far...I can go a little further.
My first impression after meeting Dr. Galvani was very positive. He was very kind, and confident in his profession. He's also very straight forward. rnrnAfter my second visit with the surgeon and his team, I got a little different vibe...We'll see how it turns out. However, I think Dr. Galvani's team is awesome and very happy to work with them.