Weight Loss Agents Bariatric Center
![Weight Loss Agents Weight Loss Agents Bariatric Center Picture](/static/images/avatar-100x100.png)
![Mario Almanza Profile Pic](/static/images/avatar-100x100.png)
did NOT do proper research and made appt with ALMANZA the narcissistic quack to do a 'resleeve' which now i know isnt even a thing!!. horrible scars... and absolutely NO feeling of reduced appetite. I KNOW he got in there and saw scar tissue from prior lipo and pulled out. All he did was appear to the 'group' , brag about his 6 pack and we never saw him again. i lost NOTHING and now his staff blames my meds which I was on back when Dr. Aceves did the original surgery. SO if you saw i was on meds that would prevent weight loss....WHY oh why would you even take my money and do the ineffective surgery??? I asked for 1500 dollar back and they wont refund anything. I pegged him as a blowhard narcissist the night and the only time we met him... but it was too late. NEVER buy into the "resleeve"... it isnt a thing but a RIP off and NO real or reputable doctor would ever promise such a thing. Almanza is a quack and asshole ripoff in my opinion
Almanza is an absolute cocky, self absorbed, non caring, over promising and under delivering jerk, quack, liar, unprofessional, cold hearted, talentless, bragging pretty faced horrible experience EVER.. In my opinion and experience
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