Sibley Center for Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 2 ratings

Sibley Center for Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Center

Carilyn Maxell Profile Pic
Carilyn Maxell
Scheduling Coordinator
Sharon Cooper Profile Pic
Sharon Cooper
PhD, Psychologist
Jodi Hofacre Profile Pic
Jodi Hofacre
RD, LD, Bariatric Dietitian
Buzz Duncan Profile Pic
Buzz Duncan
Personal Trainer for Obesity Surgery Patients
Richard L. Ogden Profile Pic
Richard L. Ogden
PhD, Psychologist
Shannon Hurst Profile Pic
Shannon Hurst
Bariatric Scheduling Coordinator/Patient Navigator
Katherine Lamond Profile Pic
Katherine Lamond
M.D., M.S.

2 Reviews for Sibley Center for Weight Loss Surgery
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I was terrified of having surgery. Am terrified of needles and have never even been in a hospital.

And I have to say this entire experience was fantastic. From the first meeting with Dr. Lamond to post op care, every one was wonderful. I have read some horror stories by others across the country and cringe every time I read about some bad experiences others have faced or are facing not only with their surgeries but their Dr. I am thankful daily for Dr. Lamond and for her entire surgical team. I had no complications, fantastic recovery, great success and minimal scaring. It really couldn't have gone any better than it did. There is a reason that she is listed as part of a Center of Excellence. (and the nursing staff on the 5th floor is no less than amazing btw !)

My surgery was Nov. 2014. There was a preparation period from the first consult to the surgery and while many insurances have stringent requirements for this process and many don't , I strongly recommend following Dr. Lamond's process to the letter, not what your insurance company requires. They require every option that insurance companies do and then some. If I had only done what mine required it would have lessened my chances for success.

The pre-surgery support by Dietician Kathleen Parkman and office staff was literally the best thing I've ever done (yes, even over and above the actual surgery). I felt supported, I felt educated, I felt prepared for what to expect from literally day one. My successes today I attribute not only to the skill of the surgeon the day of, but for the preparation I received prior to. I have not one complaint (and that says something for me!!).

Now afterwards there are monthly support groups as well as social media groups for sharing experiences, direct contact with staff and support throughout the rest of my process. I still have about a year to go and am very confident in the direction I am headed thanks to Dr. Lamond.


As soon as Dr. Lamond started speaking at an information seminar last July, I immediately felt at ease. Someone was speaking in a calm, authoritative voice and wasn't addressing this crowd of people with derision or condescension. As someone who had been trying to lose weight for the better part of 20 years, I was used to people speaking to me like I was stupid or being disgusted with my continued failure - medical professionals and others alike! Here was a young, enthusiastic doctor who wanted to help, was eager to help me change my life. I went home from the seminar, called the office the next day and got the first available appointment for a consultation.

Unbeknownst to me, after submitting my initial paperwork, I went in for a regular physical with my PCP 4 weeks before my consultation only to find out that not only was I now a diabetic but I was also hypertensive. I was devastated and so upset. It made me more determined to work with Dr. Lamond and the center to get my life back together.

During our first consultation, I never felt like I was being judged or found lacking. I know this might seem crazy to some people but I always felt like medical professionals were just exasperated with my failure and just wanted to throw their hands up and move on. Dr. Lamond never came off that way and the staff at the University of Maryland Medical Center weight management program was always supportive, understanding and encouraging.

The program is very detailed and they explain everything in a detailed and honest way. They know how to manage your expectations letting you know what is in store and what to expect coming down the line. They work with your insurance and really take some of the stress of your shoulders so you can focus on you.

My mother was able to meet Dr. Lamond when I went in for my endoscopy and then again at surgery and that put almost all her unease to rest. She felt that the doctor’s bedside manner, personable and affable nature and obvious expertise rounded out a great surgeon to have in my corner.

Surgery itself went really well – or at least that’s what I was told – I was out for it ;P I woke up feeling like a million bucks… that eventually wore off when the good drugs did but the hospital staff, attending physicians and the like were all helpful, attentive and the hospital was wonderful.

They offer aftercare support groups – both in person and online and are always available for questions or concerns. Other patients – both old and new – are also super supportive and are always there to be encouraging and offer advice.

Maybe when I can drink again, I’ll ask the doctor and staff out for a celebratory drink to toast my success. Because with this center, with this support, with this new tool and with my determination, success is almost guaranteed.

Thank you Dr. Lamond and the entire staff at UMMC!!

Stats: August 2013 - 301 (HW); April 21, 2014 - 271 (SW); July 9, 2014 - 218.4 (CW)

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