Philip Floyd M.D., PC Bariatric Center

Dr. Floyd was to do a gastrojejunostomy on my - and in the process, nicked my bowel - and spleen - had to remove my spleen and what was supposed to be a "minor" procedure, ended up with an almost 6-month hospitalization and a total of 8 surgeries to correct and I am still not right and never will be. My parents fired him after the 3rd surgery and thankfully, my pulmonologist and the new surgeon saved my life. I was in ICU for most of the time on a ventilator. My doctor's say there is no medical explanation for my being alive. Dr. Floyd had no clue what he was doing - his bedside manner was awful and, while I was in the hospital, 2 to 3 other patients on which he operated also had major problems, at least 2 of which died. I am hopeful that he has had his medical license revoked and is NEVER allowed to touch another patient. Oh, and BTW, as it happened, he had had so many malpractise claims against him that when he operated on me, he had no coverage. RUN, RUN, RUN if you come across him and he tries to convince you how wonderful he is. I paid cash up front - and didn't get one cent back to help cover the 6 months I spent in the hospital, the 8 surgies it took to try to correct his 1st surgey - not to mention the additional 18 months of rehab I needed before being able to return to work. I'd rather have a surgeon who knows what s/he is doing with a less than great "bedside" manner than someone like Floyd who appears wonderful and is without a doubt a menace to all with whom he comes in contact. Last I heard, he was working at a doc in the box - PERFECT place for him long as he never has a scalpel in his hand EVER again.

Had Dr. Floyd and the hospital was Baptist and the nurses were horrified and undereducated about gastric bypass, one of them took the easy way I was hobbling down the hall. The nurses also told me I would be one of the very last gastric patients to be operated on at Baptist because they had lost too many gastric patients. I reported this to Dr. Floyd but found him to be a competent surgeon. I do not care about his bedside manner or lack of...the surgery worked. I do hope the nurses gossip was simply that...I found him to be reasonable and competent. My Dr. disappeared....about a year after the one knows where he is or why....I am at a complete loss...and wonder if anything goes wrong or right...where he is...????
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Dr. Floyd was an amazing surgeon. But follow up wasn't that great, and he simply disappeared from the state, the hospital doesn't even have any followup for him, which really saddens me as he was amazing in my book.

Believe me ladies and gentleman I've been through the ringer with this surgery yet I never gave up! I work out 6 days a week and monitor what goes into my mouth. If you're thinking about this surgery, please consider how it will change your life and that does include watching your diet! Food, good healthy food, is part of a very great program. Before surgery, make sure you are commited to the process no matter how uncomfortable and painful it is. Only then will you develop the skills necessary to be successful! It isn't easy but it teaches you to control what you eat, excersise and deal with the changes your body will continually experience. Let me say something about dr. floyd. He has a problem with strong, concise women. he can be crude and very off putting. When I told him 2 weeks after surgery that I had extreme pain, a leak from my incision, he told me it was all in my head. What happened? I spent the next 2-3 months in the hospital because dr. floyd had over handled my pancreas which set up a severe infection. I also was leaking from my incisions which caused me to have severe pain and nausea. I then developed an infection so severe I was quarantined in my hospital room! There is documented prooof of everything I went through. He told me the pain, throwing up, a leaking wound was in my head. He was the one proven wrong. But do you know something? I'm still here!!! I spent so many months in the hospital after a 45 minute surgery that when I was released I did not have the strength to clean myself up!! But people, I am still here!!! Look for a surgeon who is careful, knowledgeable and listens to you. It is very important! Renae

Where is Dr. Floyd? I was suppose to receive a second adjustment in December, after my surgery in April 2006, and my first adjustment in August 2006 but his office cancelled my appointment three times! Then they sent me a letter saying he was no longer in the lap band business and was referring me to two bariatric surgeons who want $1000-$3000 up front to take me on as a patient. Where is Dr. Floyd?!! I paid him up front with a health care loan - $15,000 - and am now paying $396.57 a month for the weight loss of 30 pounds. Obviously the lap band surgery was not as successful as I expected, as I have about a 100 more pounds to lose. I am still owed another adjustment - will he refund the money or what? Now I am having stomach problems and am going through tests to find out what it is but I have a feeling it is going to be lap band problems. Where is Dr. Floyd? What do I do? Do I sue? Anybody out there have the same problem and have any information in regard to this matter??

I have had nothing but problems since my surgery with Dr. Floyd. It now appears he has disappeared. I have no way to get my medical records. He saw me only one time after my surgery on Oct 6, 2007. He has done NO follow up care on me. I've been hospitalized many, many times.rnrnIf anyone knows where Dr. Philip Floyd has gone, please contact me at one of the following email addresses:[email protected] (business email)

FOR MICHELE IN PIEDMONT-Please contact me. I have had issues with Dr. Floyd and feel we need to talk. My email address is [email protected]. I'm interested in what you were told when your husband contacted the Medical Board. Thanks!

Does anyone know where Dr. Floyd went? I had my lapband done in July of 2005 and paid him for his services and the anesthesiologist up front. It has been a year and a half since my surgery and his office has still not paid the anesthesiologist their part! I have had several final notice letters and a bill for $935.00. My credit is going to be ruined although I paid for it the day of my surgery! I actually paid $1000.00 for the anesthesiologist and it was never paid to them from Dr. Floyd's office. I have contacted Tom and Kenny from his office several times and they assured me it would be taken care of, now they aren't even in the office anymore and are just picking up their messages everyday. Luckily my husband is an attorney and we are filing a report with the Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision. I don't know what I will do for my follow-up care now. It is really quite scary.

dr, floyd was the best dr. he was like a friend he called me at home all the time to see how i was doing and you could see his excitement for me everytime he seen me i lost 135 lbs, in one year i am 2yrs since my surgery and i feel so good and look great the lap band was rite for me good luck and try dr. floyd hes great.