Midlands Clinic, P.C.

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 30 ratings

Midlands Clinic, P.C. Bariatric Center

Heather Garlinghouse Profile Pic
Heather Garlinghouse
Bariatric Coordinator
Sharon Dailey Profile Pic
Sharon Dailey
Bariatric Nurse Educator
Kathy Hart Profile Pic
Kathy Hart
Bariatric Nurse Educator

30 Reviews for Midlands Clinic, P.C.
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Great surgeon, great follow-up doctor. I know that the problem with my band is not his fault so placing no blame on him at all whatsoever! He is great! Would recommend him anytime, but would tell people to look more into the lapband and think hard about it before getting it :(

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Ok it is now 8 yrs later. I do not ever recomend this doctor to anyone. He is a very nice man but the problem that I had was that when I got so sick & filled with infection he did not know what to do so he pretty much put me on the back burner & was waiting for me to die. Thank God I am stubborn & bull headed and I got the hell out of that hospital to my home town & family m.d. & surgeon & got sent to a good hospital & doctors.

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Doctor Vollstedt is an extremly nice man.
I felt very comfortable with him from the minute he walked into the room.
His office staff is so nice and polite, and are great about answering any questions.
I can not think of anything negative about doctor V or his wonderfull staff.


Dr. Rizk has been great! i definately new what I was signing up for by the time I had my surgery! Post op he has been helpful and supportive.


So far all is going well... Have been approved by insurance and have been attending behavior modification classes and support group.

Should be having surgery in the first part of December.


Dr. Rizk ROCKS!! Some surgeons who do this surgery realize that they are literally saving peoples lives and changing them for the better and they have a massive GOD complex. Dr. Rizk is NOT like that at all. He knows he is saving lives and changing them for the better, but he is still down-to-earth and does not act like he is far superior to you, the patient. I couldn't ask for a better surgeon. Do I have anything negative to say? Is he 100% perfect? I suppose he is not as he is human like the rest of us, but he never did anything during my pre-op care, surgery or post-op care that I have complaints about.


Dr. Rizk and his staff are awesome! He has a great structured before and after care program.


Rizk has done over 350 WLSs. He specializes in laparascoptic surgery but will also do the open surgeries. He can be strict at times and has a rule that you cannot gain any more than 5 pounds from your initial weigh-in with him to the day of the surgery. I am constantly hearing that he's a great surgeon and to just LISTEN to what he tells you.

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Keith Vollstedt, MD~Dakota Dunes, SDrnrnHe is funny, and just a common man. Not the smallest person himself, so he doesn't come off as not understanding. rnrnI didn't see any of him in the hospital. I thought I would see him before surgery, but I didn't. Then I thought I would see him before I went home, but he had an emergency elsewhere so I saw his PA. rnrnHis office staff is phenomenal. Their bariatric coordinator, Cindy, was wonderful and very helpful with insurance. rnrnSurgeon's office worked in conjunction with Mercy Medical Center, a hospital with their own bariatrics program. I thought it was very important in my process as we had to \"jump through some hoops,\" Psych eval, four behavior meetings, two meetings with Mercy Bariatrics, a support group meeting, and the two appts with my surgeon.


Dr. Vollstedt was the presenter at the first required bariatric WL meeting I attended. I was very impressed with him, and at the time, had an appointment with a different surgeon. It enedd up that Dr. V. was the surgeon who performed lap RNY, so I was scheduled to see him.rnrnMy first impression has proven correct - he is a very nice, compassionate man. He made me feel comfortable immediately, and that feeling continues. His staff is knowledgeable, and instrumental in gaining the approval by my insurance company.rnrnHe works with Mercy Hospital in Sioux City, and they have a wonderful bariatric program there, complete with pre and post op meetings, sessions and education. I rate both he and the program very highly.


My first impression of my surgeon was wonderful. He was very understanding and explained to me the benefits and risks involved. I was comfortable with him due to the fact he seemed very thorough and someone who was very competent and well educated. I would recommend him without hesitation as a surgeon but would not recommend Mercy Medical Center as a hospital.

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