Grand Traverse Surgery, P.C.

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 50 ratings

Grand Traverse Surgery, P.C. Bariatric Center

50 Reviews for Grand Traverse Surgery, P.C.
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When I first met Dr. Nizzi I was surprised at how comfortable he made me feel discussing my weight and the issues that I have had dealing with it. My impression never really changed of Dr. Nizzi as the journey continued. He was open, honest, and very informative about the changes that I would have to make in my life. He explained the procedure very clearly every time I met with him. He always new my name, and greeted me happily. Mary Kay Williams the nurse practricioner that works with him is unbelievable. She holds the seminars, meets with you everytime you meet with Dr. Nizzi, and also is very pleasant and nice. She really knows how people feel, and she really has the best job in the world to provide these people (myself included)the encouragement,help, and resources needed to achieve their goals. She truly puts her self in each individuals place, and works diligently. I love both Dr. Nizzi and Mary Kay. They are helping me make my dreams come true. The office staff at Grand Traverse Surgery is wonderful, they were all very quick to help out and lend a hand when scheduling appointments. I know others considering this surgery and I would recommend them one hundred percent. Dr. Nizzi and Mary Kay have a very strict policy on after care. You meet with them at one week, three weeks. six weeks, 3 mths, then once a month for a year (if I remember right). The other places I checked into only meet with people at 6 wks, 3 mths, then six months then once a year. Every thing that could possibly go wrong was explained every step of the way. Up to the date of surgery. It started in the seminar, then the consultation, pre op, then surgery day. Dr Nizzi and Mary Kay give you tons of literature to read, and also encourage you to join a Gts support group. It is awesome. I would rate Dr. Nizzi and his staff at the highest level. I do not know what other place would be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for each individual patient. That is wonderful. I recommend no one else, and I thank them for this wonderful experience.


First off I must say without question the team of Dr. Featherstone, Dr. Nizzi, and nurse Mary Kay are wonderful! They have been as I call them in conversation with others..... my angels here on earth! I can't thank God enough for pouring on the knowledge of their being and passing on to me the help that was needed for me to live just one more day. In the beginning the waiting period pre-op was frustrating as it was a new procedure in this area so it took a while to finally get a surgery date. They informed me that had performed the surgery for at least 8 yrs. a piece for other medical reasons but were finally approved to perfom the surgery for wait loss. I was ready more than ever after I had researched this for 2 yrs. and watched the progress in 4 of my customers. Unfortunately, my mother-in-law passed away 2 days before my scheduled date. When I contacted Dr. Featherstones office he informed me that I "needed" to be with my family at that difficult time and they would re-schedule me for the end of that week. They were also concerned that my support people (husband & family) would not be in any condition to support my surgery and deal with the family tragedy at the same time. When the time came for surgery my family was focused and any fears I had were gone as I had a constant reminder of how supportive my mother would be if she were here. It took a while for her to come around but after helping me research WLS she decided this was also what was best for me and my health. I have nothing negative to say about the Dr.'s or staff of Grand Traverse Surger. Dr. Featherstones bedside manner and compassion for ppl is very evident in his practice. I can tell even today walking in for my regularly scheduled check-ups if he has had a bad day all it takes is one look at the success he has performed with my surgery and it brings a smile to his face. I have yet to walk out of the office without his hug and I think his seeing the positive result in me helps him as much as he has helped save my life. The Grand Traverse Surgery program for WLS was very informative before and after surgery. They informed me on paper what all is required before and after surgery. They hold a seminar every couple of months for those interested in WLS and at that time you can sign up with someone's follow-up call or you can take the info. home to think about it. When I first inquired about the seminar I asked if I could record the seminar. They encouraged me and said yes which greatly helped me later playing it back while I awaited my surgery. They also requested I bring my support person with me. Do they let you know the risks? YA-HAA!!! I recall listening and watching the slide presentation at the seminar as they talked about the risks of this "elective" surgery with tears in my eyes thinking how did it come to this for me??? How did I let it go this far? I realized that night as I signed up for a call-back that this was the answer I'd been praying for all my life.


Well I met Dr. Nizzi and Mary Kay his assistant for the first time yesterday, and my first impression is that they are great and caring people. He took his time to go through the whole surgery with me and answered all my questions. They have a real professional program that includes aftercare and it really puts emphasis on the patient being informed. To me surgical competence is better than bedside manner but I have a feeling Dr Nizzi has both. I would rate him and his staff as excellent so far. The only thing that I think can be improved is the money issue with canadians, I have had to make sure that everyone knew where and how to get there payment from ohip.


Dr Nizzi's office is on the ball! I got 3 times the info from these people than I did at BTC in Holland. I am glad I waited. Dr. Nizzi looks all of maybe....20...(God, I am getting old.) Had the urge to refer to him as Doogie but refrained. All kidding aside, I really liked him. He was informative, nice, easy to talk to. I like the fact that the nutritionalist is helping me get my body prepared for surgery by putting me on a high protein, high calcium diet. This will help put the body into "healing mode"...Shouldn't EVERYone undergoing ANY kind of surgery be doing this? I have had lots of surgeries, and one would think this would have been beneficial to the recovery of all of them.
The aftercare is closely monitered and as they said "You will be "married" to us after this surgery..." I really don't have anything negative to say at this point..Ask me again in Recovery when my incision is killing me!


My first impression of Dr. Nizzi was how young the surgeons have become.
He was very polite and informative. His professionalism and his knowledge of his ability was impressive.

He showed genunion concern and care for me as a possible patient of his and I liked how he explained the surgery procedure directly, no run around, he gave full information and answered my questions directly.

Dr. Nizzie, explained all aspects of the GBS in his consultation, both pre and post op, and his concerns. He is fast, but through and values both of our times.
I have had surgery before and he compares about the same with the other surgeons I have had. But I like direct information, so he is fine for me. This is my personal impressions of him. I do not know what others may experience.

I have spoken to other doctors regarding Dr. Nizzi, and everyone speaks very highly of him and his partner. I feel that I have been treated fairly, appropriatly and proffessionally by him. Because of all this, I am fine with him and appreciate his ability and skills God has given him and of his intelligence to be my surgeon for this procedure.


My first impression of Dr. Nizzi was how could this little beanpole guy help me a "fat" person, I sure did find out quickly. In just the course of my first visit I found out how compassionate and caring he is. His NP Mary Kay is awesome. She has this bubbly personality and is so sweet. I can't think of anything I did not like about him unless I consider his fiddling with a paper clip for my whole first visit. He puts a big emphasis on the follow up visits and diet and vitamins makes sure you understand the big portion this will play in your success. Has a very good weight loss program. Was very straight forward on the risks and complications of surgery, he also assures you of how much you will be monitored in your post op days. I think he is a God given gift an awesome guy. He is just plain great all the way around.


Dr. Nizzi and Mary Kay his assistant really seem like they care and want to help. Both took alot of time to tell me what was going to happen and make sure I had all my answers and was making a educated choice. They are Working out of Munson Medical Center in Traverse City which is great. I think I have a great team on My side. My surgery is over now and I will only say that Dr. Nizzi and Featherstone as well as Mary Kay are all that I said. Very involved and there to help. You couln't find better people to help you to the other side. They are the best!!!!


Dr. Nizzi is wonderful! Him and his staff are very caring and concerned during the whole process.


Dr. Featherstone seems to be a very serious, careful and thorough physician. My first impresssion is that he truly cares about his patients. He explained in detail the surgery and the serious complications. He appeared to assess me carefully for my motivation for this surgery before agreeing to proceed, it was as though I were being interviewed. He appears very professional but with a kind, caring attitude. I was also impressed with his staff, specifically Mary Kay Williams, his nurse; she is also professional, caring and very thorough. She also handles the insurance coordination which is much like a dance, she is very good. I now have renewed hope that this surgery may actually happen. I hope soon.


If you are thinking about having a Gastric Bypass, I cant encourage you enough to talk to my surgeon and his staff. I have been treated with kindness and respect from the first day I called his office. I met my surgeon for my initial consultation and he was professional and caring. He took as much time with me as I needed. I always feel very important and cared about when I have an appointment. I would have to say he was as excited for me to have this surgery as I was to have it myself. The moments before I went into surgery, he came over to see if I had any last minute concerns, which i really had none. I was so calm and relaxed. I really trusted him completely with my care. I had no worries about my surgery. I knew it would be done perfectly. He has an excellent reputation and every where I went, people spoke highly of him and his abilities. The office has a total approach program. It is not perform the surgery and send you on your way. They really care about how you are doing and want to help in anyway. They want you to be as successful as you do. I would just like to encourage you to speak with Dr Nizzi about this procudure. You will feel as comfortable about this as I was. I am always being teased about how often I am smiling, well he should be teased as well. He always has a warm and welcoming smile when you see him. He has really found his calling in life. I know it may seem unreal that I have no complaints, because no one is perfect, but I am so satisfied with the care I have received, I really have nothing negative to report.... NOTHING!

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