WakeMed Bariatric Surgery & Medical Weight Loss

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 30 ratings

WakeMed Bariatric Surgery & Medical Weight Loss Bariatric Center

WakeMed Bariatric Surgery & Medical Weight Loss Bariatric Center Picture
David Pilati Profile Pic
David Pilati
Scott Bovard Profile Pic
Scott Bovard
Kajal Zalavadia  Profile Pic
Kajal Zalavadia
MD, ABIM, DABOM, Board Certified Bariatrician
Kristin Clowes Profile Pic
Kristin Clowes
Patrick Mahaney Profile Pic
Patrick Mahaney

30 Reviews for WakeMed Bariatric Surgery & Medical Weight Loss
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I first met Dr. Bovard in October 2008 when I attended his FREE informational seminar in Raleigh, NC. He had a pilar of information and took time to answer questions during the seminar and even stayed after to answer any questions and ease any concerns my husband and I may have had. My main concern once I had gotten pass the initial decision to go through with my surgery was, would my insurance cover my procedure. That is when is WONDERFUL and patient office assistant stepped in and worked her magic!!!! Cassie is a GOD sent. She contacted BCBSNC and got all of the necessary information needed for me to get started with my procedure. I scheduled my first appointment with Dr. Bovard in December 2008. I can not STRESS how much he feels about aftercare. He will NOT allow you to feel if he is not going to be there for you once you have weight loss surgery. Dr. Bovard ensured me that he would be there for me whenever I needed him day, night or weekends. He actually gives his patients his cell phone number. UNBELIVEABLE right!!!! It is all so true. Dr. Bovard informed me that he would like for his patients to visit him once a month regardless if you will receive a fill. He wants to know how you are feeling mentally and physically. I knew the day I left his office that he was the surgeon for me. I was sure of this because he informed me of all of the risks, pros and cons of me having Lap Band surgery. He also made sure that he had prior knowledge of all of my surgeries and assured me that he would do all he could to ensure I could received the Lap Band. I had one minor complication that could have prevented me from receiving surgery. My EKG was abnormal and I assured him that this was normal for me and has been for a long time, but no matter what I said, he REFUSED to schedule my surger without me seeing and receiving surgial approval from a Cardiologist. That alone let me know that Dr. Bovard had my best interest at heart. His bedside and surgical competence was and is wonderful. I recommend ANYONE who is intersted in weight loss surgery to go and see Dr. Bovard and I know they will be just as happy with him as I am. I have seen my fair share of doctors and I must honestly say, I truly do like him as a person and as a physican.


I am seeing Dr. Scott Bovard in Wake Forest, NC. I think he travels quite a bit, as he also has an office in Louisberg, NC. I liked him right away. He was very informative and helpful. He seemed to be very positive that this is the right thing for me! I trust him already, and I can definatly say i trust him to walk with me through this journey and be my guide!! The office staff was also super nice, they are the kind of people that you can talk to and feel like they already \"know\" you. They have all become fast friends. I would certainly recommend the whole staff to anyone!!rnrnrn<div style=\"text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;\">rn<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"435\" height=\"270\"rndata=\"http://www.myplaylist.org/mc/mp3player-othersite.swf?config=http://www.myplaylist.org/mc/config/config_pink_noautostart.xml&mywidth=435&myheight=270&playlist_url=http://www.myplaylist.org/loadplaylist.php?playlist=47597374\">rn<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#e8e8e8\">rn<param name=\"movie\" rnvalue=\"http://www.myplaylist.org/mc/mp3player-othersite.swf?config=http://www.myplaylist.org/mc/config/config_pink_noautostart.xml&mywidth=435&myheight=270&playlist_url=http://www.myplaylist.org/loadplaylist.php?playlist=47597374\">rn</object>rn<BR><a href=http://www.myplaylist.org><img src=http://www.myplaylist.org/mc/images/create_pink.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.myplaylist.org/standalone/47597374 target=_blank><img src=http://www.myplaylist.org/mc/images/launch_pink.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.myplaylist.org/download/47597374><img src=http://www.myplaylist.org/mc/images/get_pink.jpg border=0></a>rn</div>rn


I first met Dr Bovard on jan. 24th 2006. I must say I liked him right away. He is straight and to the point, yet he has compassion, class and style. He also has a sense of humor. And to me that means a lot. The office staff is awesome. I emailed back and forth and made calls about my insurance and they have always been a pleasure to deal with. I have found them prompt and reliable. The program Dr. Bovard presents is totally about aftercare. The surgery itself would be useless with out proper after care. The Delmarva Bariatric Center has their own gym/fitness center. They offter a nutritionist and personal trainer with their program. I was given plenty of information about the surgery to be able to make an informed decisison about having the surgery. I am so glad I did. I am very glad to have chosen Dr. Bovard as my physcian. He is great. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.rnmarcia Johsnon




I was incredably nervous about the decision to have surgery. The staff of Delmarva bariatric Center in Salisbury was amazing. They have been in this position themselves and can offer advice and help. They are great cheerleaders. My surgeon is the biggest cheerleader of all. The have a great aftercare program with support groupsand a gym. They feel the aftercare program is the most important part.rneveryone made me feel at ease with the decision. the sergeon was very expeienced. If I had to make the decion again I would stiil pick this amazing group of people, and I would recommend them to anyone


Dr. Bovard and Dr. Sofronski are great. The staff is well organized and help you through each step of the way. The initial consult is very informative. The nurse, Melinda, even gives you a reading assignment. You must read both books by Bill Phillips (Body for Life and Food for Life) and then meet back with her in two weeks. Melinda and the other staff members make sure they line up all of the appointments you need so they can get you approved for the surgery (if it is appropriate) the first time. The week before surgery you meet with Melinda one more time and review the four stages you progress through for eating after surgery. After care is a plus. You must commit to a one year after care program that includes a state of the art fitness center with a certified weight trainer. There are support group meetings held every week. The gastric bypass support group is held separate from the lap band support group in order to address specific needs. If I had to give a score of 1 to 10 (with 10 bing the best) I would rate my experience as an 11 !


'Dr. Bovard is just about as good looking and nice as can be! I just met him and he talked to me as if he really cared about my future outcome and health. He seemed genuine and sincere. He was very knowledgable


Dr. Bovard is Dr. Sofronskis' partner. He is very likable and to the point and honest about all matters. If your want a doctor to hold your hand and tell you the surgery is easy andy you don't have to do anything, he is not for you. He does not sugar-coat anything, that is what I likes best about him. The practice is built around patient aftercare, literally! The doctors have an amazing new facility with a state of the art gym and personal trainer just for their patients, not to mention group support meetings and other resources geered for the first year post-op. A patient has no option but to succeed with such support! Dr. Bovard specializes in laproscopic surgery, so that is a further bonus. I would highly recomend him!


I was unsure if I wanted to do this or not. Some days I would think I can do it I don't need help. Others I thought "no way". I researched the Lap Band for a year before I made up my mind. I found 3 surgeons in the Raleigh area that did them. I went to seminars for Dr. Enoks and Morran. They both seemed to be more about getting your money than helping you. I didn't really notice that until I met Dr. Bovard. He was completely different. My first thought when I saw him was "I'm not a real doctor, but I play one on TV." But that was very quickly changed. He obviously knows what he is doing. I thought I knew how to lose weight because I have been doing it my whole life but Dr. Bovard flipped that around right away and I saw what I was doing wrong all along. The other guys didn't even come close to my first experience with Dr. Bovard. I actually got to talk to him! Imagine that. I had a one on one for about an hour and a half, and he didn't mention money once. He seems very passionate about what he does and it is infectious. When you leave there the first time you just know that this time you will not fail.
The only thing negative I have to say is that I wish I didn't wait that year before starting this new chapter of my life.


My first impression of Dr. Bovard was he seemed very interested in helping me find my new self. He took the time to to let me ask questions and to tell him what I new about the lapband. I knew that I would be well taken care of in the operating room.

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