on September 16, 2009
Missy started two years ago next month a journey that has resulted in the total body weight loss to date of over 155 pounds.
You have done nothing to move towards a healthy heart if you haven`t taken a close look at your diet, science says. If you already have risk factors such as hypertension, cholesterol, smoking, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and high stress, start on our diet right away! If you have no obvious risk-factors (good for you!), this easy primer will help you stay safe forever.
Weight loss is a difficult but rewarding process. Self confidence is restored as well as health, but often times excess skin remains. For those who've lost the weight but can't lose the flab, there is hope in plastic surgery.
TAXPAYERS could be forced to fund lap-band surgery for obese teenagers under a proposal to be put to a State Government task force.
A leading children's doctor has called for public hospitals to perform bariatric surgery on morbidly overweight adolescents to tackle the obesity epidemic.
The Children's Hospital at Westmead's sleep physician Associate Professor Dominic Fitzgerald said the surgery should be offered to teens who had tried and failed other medical therapies.
We are confronting an obesity epidemic across America, and not just among low-income individuals. In Tennessee the data are particularly alarming. The state has the fourth-highest rate of adult obesity in the nation, and the
36.5 percent of Tennessee youths who are overweight are at risk for chronic diseases and other health conditions long into adulthood. Obesity causes more health problems than smoking, heavy drinking or even poverty — leading to increased health-care costs for all of us.
Question: I am 5 feet 6 and weigh 240 pounds. I also have Type 2 diabetes. I know I need to lose weight, but knee problems have kept me from exercising, and weight-loss medications haven't helped. I'm now thinking about weight-loss surgery.