The Journey...

Your packet — is it complete?

Include the following information for the insurance company:

  • Your letter asking for preapproval
  • Your psychiatric report
  • The dietitian report
  • A copy of letters from any doctors as listed in “Gather Your Paperwork” section.
  • A copy of your bloodwork
  • Your gallbladder ultrasound report (if you still have your gallbladder)
  • A copy of your PCP letter to the surgeon. (Be careful here. Be sure the letter covers all of your comorbidities and is favorable. Medical necessity and medical clearance is very important. For instance, sometimes the PCP will say, “I am referring this patient to you at his request for a consult regarding gastric bypass surgery,” instead of “I am referring this patient for gastric bypass surgery because of medical necessity” — something like that.).
  • A copy of the Americans With Disabilities Act
  • A copy of the ICD-9 codes and CPT codes.
Good luck!

Where to send your request for preapproval

FAX your packet to your insurance company. Send it to the preapproval department. Call your insurance company and find out that fax number. Try to find out the name of one of the nurses in that department and direct it to their attention. Second best, direct it to the Medical Director, preapproval department. Follow up with a phone call within the next few days to be certain they have your information. Keep a record of any person you speak with at your insurance company and their phone number also. Start bugging them within 1-2 weeks.

Remember: Follow up!!!
