The Journey...
Researching weight loss methods
Costs of obesity

Costs of Obesity

Research proves that people could live longer and healthier at an ideal body weight. The average American has gained around 8 pounds in the past 10 years.

LSU researchers estimate that “the direct costs of obesity in the United States is now at 39.3 billion dollars a year. That is more than 5% of all medical costs.”

Market Data Enterprises says, “Americans spend another $38 billion a year trying to lose weight.”

Other researchers report that after a four and a half year study “the costs of long-term weight loss on one popular very-low-calorie diet program was $286.36 per pound”!! Long-term weight loss is not only expensive, but very hard to attain.

Obesity is not just a concern of a morbidly obese person. The problems affect society as a whole since obesity contributes to the incidence of chronic disease. According to the Surgeon General “Obesity, with its rank among the top ten diseases, may be America's number-one contributor to health care costs.”
