Any advice on hurrying the surgeon along in the approval process?

My surgeon requires numerous pre-op requirements be met...then he reviews for approval...then insurance approval is sought. For the past two weeks, my completed file (and I presume those of other patients) have been residing at my surgeon's home. He doesn't return the files and does not apparently have time to review them. I know there's more waiting ahead with my insurance approval and I'm at my wit's end. I've called to try and hurry things along, but the staff seems to think they've done all that they can and all we can do is wait for him to return the files, hopefully with approval intact so the next step can occur. I'm pulling my hair out! Any suggestions?    — Lorri S. (posted on July 11, 2000)

July 11, 2000
Sounds like the same thing that happen to me. My doc took home my chart to write a letter over his vacation. I kept calling over and over. I did finally did get results as they were tired of me calling. Since you have done that already, I would put a call in to have your doctor call you back. I would speak directly to him. The squeaky wheel...! GOOD LUCK!!
   — ZZ S.

July 11, 2000
Since you are right here in my town, email me and we'll see what we can figure out! [email protected]
   — vitalady

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