Post ops: What now? The scales won't budge...
I've actually gone through this before. I'm STILL 160 & holding...Still doing the same things I have since before making the Century Club (down now only 105)...I feel like I'm about to go on that rollercoaster again!! I've been positive and upbeat for a long time. Encouraging everyone. I'm experiencing the "head hunger" right now. It's really been stressful on the job, and today, I had a banana smoothie, with a double shot" of protein powder for lunch. It seems like those potato chips were calling my name, and I just opened them and ate 'em...Now I'm getting somewhat concerned, and feel bad that I did that. I know better. I shouldn't feel bad because I'm the one that had them. I had them several weeks ago~delicious Lay's potato chips, or so I thought. I did it to myself, go ahead and say it. I feel guilty about it. I can accept the "constructive criticism". Do you think this is why I'm on a plateau now for...whewww, almost 5 weeks or so? Guess I better start back at square one? — yourdivaness (posted on May 29, 2003)
May 29, 2003
Hey I go through the same head hunger, but I can't even think about
cheating. Believe me I have tried. I am almost 4 months out and I have
lost 55lbs. I have plateued alot, and I found that it has lasted a week.
I am sure if you didn't eat the forbidden foods, you will drop more weight.
My doctor has me on pure protein. You have to remember why did you have
the surgery. Remember what it was like carrying all that weight. Remember
how you felt when you were able to get rid of your old clothes forever.
Remember all the compliments that everyone has paid you. Just think about
how good you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror. Hey if you want
you can email me and I will give you my number and I will support you
through it. Another idea, if you take up working out, you will burn the
extra forbidden calories and even the working out might curb your appetite.
Everytime you are hungry, go work out.
Well take care and remember if you need someone to talk to, I am here.
— Robyn W.
May 29, 2003
I certainly don't intend to throw stones at you! Lord knows I have
indulged in some of the "bad' foods myself! Everyone out there that
used food as a comfort - raise your hand. ..... I thought so! So stop
beating yourself up! You had some potato chips WEEKS ago and still feel
guilty? Stop that right now! You are a human being and humans mess up
sometimes. Personally, I think you are doing fine and the plateau will
break at some point, but a few potato chips and a banana smoothie aren't
going to put you on a plateau for weeks. It sounds to me like you have
already started over at square one!
— koogy
May 30, 2003
Don't beat yourself up over being a human being! Plateaus happen for all
kinds of mysterious reasons. A bag of chips and a smoothie is not the
undoing of all of your hard work. It is NATURAL and EXPECTED that your
weight loss will slow down over time, and that you will have plateaus (some
of them quite long). What's important in all of this is that you've
recognized that stress triggers some of your old habits. Recognizing that
means you can do something about it, and you already are. You're fine,
Honey. (And, some perspective: at 250, I'd be deliriously happy to weigh
160, even if I plateaued there forever! You've done marvelously: there's
no reason to think you won't continue to.)
— Ellen R.
May 30, 2003
I've weighed the same amount, within 3 pounds now, for about 2 1/2 months.
I know that if I want it to go down further (and I'm not sure I do) that I
will have to either cut daily calories (give up the treats/carbs) or add
more exercise. Forget the guilt, its non-productive. You should be able
to have some potato chips on occasion. I'll guarantee you that having them
once every few weeks will not affect your weight. I have dealt with head
hunger by endulging it. I don't give in right away but say to myself, OK,
give yourself a few days to think about it, and then if I still want it, I
will have it. But I compensate for that in another way-add a workout that
week or take away a treat or two I had planned to have that day. Like this
week, I was craving brownies all week. So, they had a bakesale at work
today, and yes, I bought ONE. I ate 1/2 of it and then threw away the
rest. AND no guilt. It was delish and now out of my system. If you want
to get over that plateau, try cutting a few hundred calories a day for
several days, then upping it again, to trick the body into thinking
something has changed. You can also drink more water and change up your
exercise routine.
— Cindy R.
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