Has anyone experienced an increase in genital yeast infections?

I am almost 7 months postop and have experienced 3 yeast infections in that time period and have another one right now. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what it could be related to. I have only had one prior yeast infection in all of my 38 years. Any help would be appreciated.    — Debbie R. (posted on December 27, 2001)

December 27, 2001
Debbie, Have you had to take any antibiotics in that time period. Two things I know greatly increase the chance of the yeast infection, antibiotics and high blood sugar. If not, I have no clue, but you might want to ask your doc.
   — garw

December 27, 2001
Yes, me too. When given doses of antibiotics, I get them. After my surgery I also got thrush!
   — Karen R.

December 27, 2001
Debbie..I am so glad you posted this!!! I am only 2 1/2 months post and have already had 2 yeast infections!!! I was never on any antibiotics after my surgery. (I know this can bring on a yeast infection). I have an appt w/my surgeon in 2 weeks,I will definately ask!!! There is nothing worse than a yeast infection!! I hope we figure this one out!! Good Luck!!
   — skymaxjr

December 27, 2001
I too have suffered alot of yeast infections during this first year! And like Karen, I developed thrush post op. I'm pretty sure it is because of the antibiotics right after surgery. But the other 4 or so I have suffered later on cannot be from the antibiotics as I haven't been on any for almost 10 months. Go figure!
   — Cindy K.

December 27, 2001
I had thrush starting at 6 days postop, then the genital yeast infection started the following day. My pcp gave me a double dose of that one time pill to clear it up. I know the drug begins with a "D", but forget what its called. I've seen advertisements for it on tv and in print. It cleared the mouth up almost immediately. Took about another week for the 'itchies' to ease up. I, too, was on antibiotics by IV the entire time I was in the hospital. Heavy doses of antibiotics usually do cause an infection to flare up, tho this was my first experience with thrush.
   — [Anonymous]

December 27, 2001
The 'D' pill is called Diflucan. I've never taken it, but I used to work in a pharmacy. We were always sold out of it lol
   — Diana L.

December 28, 2001
Diflucan is a wonderful medicine. No mess, no fuss. I have a long history of yeast infection. So bad infact, my doctor has put me on a maintenance dose of Diflucan. Unbelievably I haven't gotten one since surgery 4 months ago - but I have it on hand just incase. Maybe your body temperature is changing. My doc. said that I hold heat and along with my weight, that is just breading ground for yeast. Try eating yogurt, I heard that helps too. I have even heard of people doucing with yogurt though I have never done it. If that doesn't work, put in a call to your gynecologist and specifically ask for diflucan. Tell them nothing else works. You'll be glad you did. (Do I sound like a drug rep?)
   — [Anonymous]

December 28, 2001
I got a nasty yeast infection plus thrush (complete with the black tongue) post op after taking chewable augmentin antibiotics for pneumonia. Yogurt and nystatin take way too long to get rid of it, so I asked my doc for the Mycelex troches that you dissolve in your mouth. The yeast was gone well before I finished the meds.
   — Denise W.

August 12, 2004
I had 16 yrs. of yeast infections, every month. 18 doctors later, it was found that my thyroid was Hypothyroid. Seems when I smoked this masked the symptoms of the low thyroid, which caused my yeast infections!! Hope this helps someone, even if they are not a smoker have the thyroid checked. Make sure the test is TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone test!
   — Claudia S.

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