What we eat on an average day......

I loved the question about everyone posting their surgery type and weight loss todate.. How about we now post for the new members, (that are pre-op and/or still considering) what we eat on an average day. Kind of give them an idea how everyday life after surgery can really be.. Post what we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks if any, also calorie & protein content if we know it..So many new members, pre-op and post-op ask me this.. So lets here it!!!    — Victoria B. (posted on February 29, 2000)

February 29, 2000
Oops So Let's Hear it !!!!!
   — Victoria B.

February 29, 2000
Great Idea Vicki!!!!!! I would love to know what everyone eats.
   — Kay A.

February 29, 2000
GREAT idea, Vicki! Awaiting the responses...
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 29, 2000
Well, here goes: Breakfast is a 'carnation instant breakfast no sugar added' protein shake; lunch is half a can of soup(most kinds); dinner is a caesar salad with grilled chicken breast and a little shredded cheese (about 200 calories worth of this). Then there's another protein shake. About 2hours before bed I'll tend to have a small snack like a real serving of cottage cheese(wow, a serving). I drink crystal light and h2o all day-about 80 ounces. This is a typical day but of course I eat a large variety except meats and breads. My total calories is around 700. Also, every other day or so I have a couple 25-calorie welch's no-sugar popscicles.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 29, 2000
Normal day food intake for me is: (1) Viactiv (500+D+K calcium chew) (1) Flintstones complete with iron drink 8-10 ozs of water... Breakfast: one scrambled egg with melted slice of cheese on top= 169 calories if I add bacon bits that's 33 calories more and 4 more protein. I'm not a bread eater so I save those calories. Protein=18-22 Snack: mid morning v8 Juice 35 calories. Or maybe just crystal lite or tea.. depends on my mood. Drink 8-10 ozs of water about an 45 mins before lunch.. Lunch: I drink my protein drink ProBlend55 (vanilla) that 27.5 grams of protein, (120 calories) then go walk the tract at the college close to my home. I take my water jug with me... will drink another 12 ozs or so there walking.. Snack: about 1/2 an apple or apple sauce...Yep you guessed it more water..about an hour after this snack. 1/2 cup apple sauce unsweeten is 53 calories 1/4 apple about the same...This may very sometimes I have a low fat protein snack.. I take another Viactiv and Flintstone Vitamin. and 8-10 ozs of water.. about an hour before dinner. Dinner: Chicken leg roasted 76 calories, (7 protein) (chicken breast roasted is 142 calories 20 protein ...Lettuce and 1/4 a tomato 10 calories with low fat cottage cheese about 1/4 cup 30 calories..(4 protein) 2 crackers is 25 calories Now, usually I make dinner for the whole family and plan my meals from my recipe page so that I get in about 200 calories at dinner meal usually a casserole or main course meat I can eat with a salad or cottage cheese.. Total Calories =617 (that is my average from 600-700) Protein=73.5 from food and protein drink. (using water)... Some days I get in more protein but average is 70-80 grams. I try to vary from chicken to fish to turkey nightly... and more water .....
   — Victoria B.

February 29, 2000
I'll be 12 weeks post-op tommorow. For breakfast I usually have 1/2 cup cottage cheese or sometimes 1/2 cup soup with a couple of saltines (sometimes the warm stuff just feels better in the morning). Mid-morning I have my protein shake mixed with 6-8 ozs. F/F milk. Then I take my vitamins (One A Day essential and a sublingual B-12). Lunch is usually m biggest meal and I eat 1/4 of a turkey/jack cheese sandwich on whole wheat, but one of my new favorite lunches is the "Chicken Fajita Pita" from Jack-in-the-box, I eat all the chicken and cheese and about half the pita bread (it has 25gms protein and only 9 gms of fat). Dinner is usually light, maybe a little tuna salad or a few bites of chicken. I usually don't eat anything after dinner,but sometimes I get a sweet tooth and then I have either half a tangelo (much juicier than oranges) or a NSA fudgesicle.
   — Morgan B.

February 29, 2000
I'm considering surgery and am concerned about the "typical" diet. Other than an occasional, virtually useless piece of iceberg lettuce or blob of applesauce, doesn't anybody eat fresh vegetables, fruit or whole grains? Just meat, dairy, bread & chemically manufactured protein & sweets?
   — Lizzie G.

February 29, 2000
Lizzie: A lot of my fresh veggies, I get in casseroles or crock pot recipes, however, occasionally I will eat just green beans or spinach when craving it.. I never was a big veggie eater to begin with, now it is trial and error since I'm not sure what I can or can't tolerate yet. I never eat potatoes or bread most on here have reported that they do. My starting weight was so great I wanted the maximum weight loss in the 18-24 month window that this surgery has, so I have eliminated those types of foods that got me to this weight to begin with that includes sweets. In the stews I make I use carrots, peas, celery, onions, tomatoes, parsley and few others.. Also I drink a V8 a day.. "100% Vegetable Juice" can't beat it for beta carotene vitamin A & C. I think I'm getting in all the veggies for me anyhow..
   — Victoria B.

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