Why can't you take your protien shakes with milk?

I read on a post where you shouldn't make your protein shakes with milk, why is that? I am six and a half months post-op and have lost only 74 pounds, I try to eat right, I exercise and I drank 64 oz. of water, but I just can't seem to get the weight off as fast as some of the others. I started at 282 and I am 5'8" so if anyone has any suggestions please feel free I am all ears. Thank you    — Nicole R. (posted on September 22, 2003)

September 21, 2003
You can mix your protein shakes with milk, in fact I always add 2 oz of non fat milk to mine, you just have to account for the added calories and milk sugar. If you are ot lactose intolerant, drink away-
   — ~~Stacie~~

September 21, 2003
Nicole: I never heard that you "can't" make them with milk, only that it adds unnecessary calories (milk sugars)...I've been drinking my shakes with water since day one...and I don't add ANYTHING to them...once I get to my goal weight and I want to maintain, I might add half a banana or some strawberries for more flavor. Right now, I fear adding any extra calories when I'm smack in the middle of trying to lose another 70+ pounds! Good luck...Amy
   — Amy A.

September 22, 2003
Geez, I just asked this same question! It will appear after this one LOL. Great
   — mary ann T.

September 22, 2003
Who says you cant? I have used nothing but fatfree milk and sometimes 1% milk since day one. I dont think I could stand the tast of any protein drink made with water. The milknever slowed my weight loss. Infact my surgeon and dietitian recommends it to get extra protein.
   — Lisa G.

September 22, 2003
If we are not lactose intolerant, my Doc prefers that we mix protein with low-fat milk. It adds to our calcium intake.
   — M B.

September 22, 2003
I've never been told to not drink milk by my doc or nutritionist. It adds a lot of absorbable calcium as well as other vitamins, nutirents and protein your body needs. If your not lactose tolerant and milk doen't cause dumping (milk has natural sugars in it so in some people it can dumping. The natural sugars are better for your body though, as they are easier digested), you can have as mcuh as you want. I personaly try to get 16-20 oz a day. My doc did recomment 1% sweet acedolphus as the acedolphus bacteria helps with digestion. When I drink it w/o it, I tend to get rather gassy.... My husband has threatend to sick a cork up my a$$ because of it ( I told him it would just make me talk more to get rid of all the hot air LOL!) Good luck and God bless!!
   — mellyhudel

September 25, 2003
You can, of course. It is what I recommend for the skinny guys who want to gain wt. Add milk & banana to their protein shakes & it works like a charm. They don't get FATTER, as such, they just get THICKER. Not the result I want for myself. I stick with water & rarely even add a few slices of banana.
   — vitalady

September 28, 2003
Now I don't know ANYONE who has gotten 'thicker' by mixing a no fat, no sugar (= NO carbs) pure whey isolate protein powder with skim or soy milk. I do it EVERY morning. I'm almost 10 months out with a 205 lb loss.
   — Ginger M.

September 28, 2003
Okey-dokey! Ginger (10 months post-op), meet Michelle (9 years post-op). Now you've met one! :-D
   — Suzy C.

September 28, 2003
I would like to hear form those who do not believe in touching milk about their bone density... any problems with osteoporosis??? many dieticians and docs feel that milk and other dairy products are the best source for calcium, better absorbed than supplements. this whole thing for me is not just about having the slimmest hips, but about being healthy, that means strong bones for running, playing & dancing. I don't want to find my self lying helplessly with a cracked hip. I would encourage all to fully investigate the nutritional aspects as well as the weight loss aspects of what to eat or not eat. Look at the health of your whole body.
   — **willow**

September 29, 2003
So there's ONE out there! Hot digity! ;)
   — Ginger M.

October 1, 2003
Thank you all for your answers, I really do appreciate it. Since starting the protein shakes I have lost another 10 pounds.
   — Nicole R.

October 1, 2003
If you are watching your carbs, whole cream is really better for you than milk, but that's just my unqualified 2 cents lol
   — [Deactivated Member]

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