I need help! Having a terrible time with the munchies!
I am almost 6 months post op and have done really well so far (I've lost 90 lbs!). This past week I've noticed I've slipped into some of my old habbits and have started eating off and on all day. I'm scared and I don't know what to do to stop. I don't want to gain my weight back, but it seems like I can't control this. The bad part is that I've still managed to lose a couple pounds this week so I don't even have the consequence of gaining weight for my slip up. The only thing I can relate this to is my mother-in-law was just diagnosed with a terminal illness (only 15 months after my own mother died). Any suggestions about what I can do? I'm not going to post this anonymously so please don't yell at me or post any of the negative comments I've seen recently. I just need positive advise please. Thanks! — georgiacarol (posted on February 24, 2001)
February 24, 2001
I would suggest that if you need to munch all day do make good food
choices. Beef Jerky, carrots, apples, protein shakes, etc. I also get
"all day" food munchies every once in a while and just opt for
healther choices. My favorite when I am munchy i go for homemade beef
jerky and fruit leather. I know what I put into it and that it is good for
— Paula G.
February 24, 2001
Hi Georgia...I just want to commiserate with you! I find myself grazing
and munching from time to time as well. Paula has excellent suggestions
and I wanted to add that increasing your exercise will also boost your
metabolism. At Christmas, I did the same thing - I munched and munched and
munched and I lost 3.5 lbs. My stress level was through the roof with the
holidays and the ex. So, counting my blessings, I got back on the program
(more or less) in January, started exercising again and lost 10 lbs. (Now,
I've hit a plateau - bummer). DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! And this tool makes
so much easier to eat properly, and upping your protien and water, plus
exercising will give you fast results...the encouragement will set you on
the right path. Oh, and if anyone gets mean with you, send them to me!
Family illnesses and stress can trigger the old, comfortable behavior
patterns, and there is no need to be judgemental - just compassionate.
Good luck! You and your mother-in-law will be in my prayers.
— Allie B.
February 24, 2001
Georgia, Thanks for your honesty. you do need to stop and take a deep
breath and pat your self on your back for the weight loss that you have
already done. Good Job. I am only 6 weeks out and I know being a woman we
are going to have days that we can eat the whole house... It could be the
week before the cycle. You know how this effects us.
I know I went through that this past Monday and I wanted to eat everything
myself. I keep going to cupboard, refrig, cabinets, But the truth was I was
so sad that Dale Earnhardt had died in the car crash that I did not want to
feel the pain of the Loss of a Loved, (truely he was a loved one in our
home, we felt like he was part of our family)anyways I did nothing but cry
all day. But I didnot eat things that I was not allowed to. (I am still
on puree foods. and Since it dont take much to fill me I just keep crying.
I let out the fustration of his death.
Stress is awful and when you have a loved one that is even Ill and you (I
mean us) cant make them well it hurts down inside. I am hoping that when I
get 6 months and beyond that I am able to stop the madness of eating too.
We have worked so hard to get where we are. You know something that was
told to me a few years ago too was You can start your day over at any
time. If you notice you are going back in to old eating habits just stop
and take a deep breath and go on. and get back on track with something
that will be healthy for you. I feel you can do it. Some days are just
going to be harder than others and that is what we are all here for is to
support each other...Hang in there and God bless you. DREAMS DO COME TRUE
— jay B.
February 24, 2001
Hang in there Georgia!! I think you're doing GREAT!! I also have those
days where I want to eat anything that doesn't eat me first. I keep a bag
of pretzels around just for days like this. The crunch, crunch, crunch
seems to have a very satisfying effect for me. I can't eat that many so I
know it's not having a negative effect on me weight wise. I think it's
mostly a "head hunger" kind of thing. Don't worry yourself about
this - we're all there at one time or another. Stay focused and keep
dreaming about who you want to be!! You'll do fine. Sorry to hear about
your mother in law - keep your chin up!!
— ronascott
February 25, 2001
Hey Georgia. I have been having a rerrible time with this also lately. You
are doing great- I am at six months and have lost 70 lbs!!! All I can say
is- I finally got all the junk out of the house- that is the only thing
that worked for me!!! I keep grapes and tangerines graham cracckers and a
great protein bar called Carb solutions nearby so at least I am snacking on
healthier options!!! Hang in there!!!!
— Lisa L.
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