eatting and drinking

Ok, here goes, I have noticed that I can eat more than I feel I should be able to. I've heard people say that if you drink with your meal you can eat more. I think I only drink about 4 oz with my meal and then about 15 min out drink more. I have always been a big drinker. My fear is as with all post ops at one time or another is that I have streched my pouch or have a SLD. Any suggestions on how I can no for sure. I'm 4 months out, down 70 lbs but feel I'm a slow loser compared to most out here. i really could use the feedback on this one. Dinner last night was 4 oz steak, 4 bites of potatoe, 2 bites spinach, 8 oz yogart, bannana, small bag chips all this within about 2 hour period. I no some of this is grazing but the steak,potates, and spinach was dinner and I could have eatten twice that. HELP    — Jeana S. (posted on January 7, 2003)

January 7, 2003
I think you have answered your own question as to why you are able to eat more than you think you should. Its the drinking with meals. Even 4 oz with meals and then drinking 15 minutes out is washing the food out of your pouch way too soon. Most surgeons advise that you not drink at least 15 minutes before, during or for 45 minutes afterwards. Try to do that, and I think you'll fill up faster and stay full longer. As for dinner last night, you should have stopped after the spinach. A few hours later, the yogurt and banana would have made a good snack, but to have all of that in 2 hours is too much and could qualify as grazing. Just a little change in your eating/drinking behavior and you should be right back on track.
   — Cindy R.

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