I have bc/bs federal employee plan high option in Florida, has anyone used this?
I sent a letter to bc/bs July 1st asking for authorization to have wls. I outlined my 25 year battle with weight and my personal physician added a letter backing me up. When I didn't hear back by August 1st, I sent another copy of my original letter with another note adding some things I had remembered. Still hadn't heard by today, the 11th, so I called. Was told I could not get pre-authorization. What do I do next? — teresa P. (posted on August 10, 2000)
August 10, 2000
Hi Teresa ... I live in VA but I have BC/BS Federal ... don't know if is
the same for all states but MY Federal Plan will no longer
"precertify" Gastric Bypass surgery ... My doc had to
write to the insurance company and request a copy of their WLS criteria and
determine from that if I met the critieria for them to pay. Thankfully I
did! The criteria is 100 lbs over your
ideal body weight and a BMI of at least 40. Once my doc received the
criteria and determined by eligibility, they scheduled my surgery. Hope
this helped!!
— Donna H.
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